This bill seeks to enhance mental health services in Minnesota by broadening the definition of mental illness to include conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, while also refining the criteria for identifying individuals with serious and persistent mental illness. It establishes a grant program aimed at providing evidence-based interventions for youth and young adults at risk of developing bipolar disorder, with the Department of Human Services responsible for implementing these programs statewide. Additionally, the bill modifies reimbursement rates for nonemergency medical transportation services, introducing a structure that accounts for longer trips and adjusts rates based on fluctuations in gasoline prices.

Moreover, the legislation specifically targets adolescents and young adults experiencing early episodes of bipolar disorder by creating grant programs under Minnesota Statutes, section 245.4889. These programs will offer intensive treatment and support, including medication management and case management, while also addressing barriers to access by allowing funds for housing or travel expenses. The bill mandates the evaluation of these programs based on evidence-based practices, focusing on outcomes such as symptom reduction and increased educational or employment achievements. It also ensures compliance with federal aid conditions and requires annual reporting on fund usage and program effectiveness, while appropriating funds for a first episode of psychosis grant to expand services, particularly in non-metropolitan areas.

Statutes affected:
Introduction: 62A.673, 245.462, 256B.0625