This bill aims to prohibit the elective declawing of cats in Minnesota, establishing new legal definitions and penalties related to the practice. It introduces a new section in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 343, specifically designated as [343.256], which defines key terms such as "cat," "declawing," and "therapeutic purpose." The bill clearly states that declawing, defined as any surgical procedure to remove or modify a cat's claws, is prohibited unless performed for a medically necessary therapeutic purpose. Additionally, it specifies that procedures like tendonectomies, which impair the normal functioning of a cat's claws, are also banned.
To enforce this prohibition, the bill outlines civil penalties for violations, with fines escalating from $500 for the first offense to $2,500 for subsequent offenses. These penalties can be pursued through civil actions initiated by the county attorney or the attorney general on behalf of the state. Overall, the legislation seeks to protect the welfare of cats by preventing unnecessary surgical procedures that could harm their health and well-being.