The proposed bill, titled "The Home-Based Business Fairness Act," aims to permit home-based businesses within residential dwellings in Minnesota. It defines key terms such as "home-based business," "no-impact home-based business," and "residential dwelling," establishing criteria for what constitutes a no-impact home-based business. These criteria include limitations on the number of employees and clients, restrictions on visibility from the street, and the requirement that business activities do not generate significant traffic or parking issues.

Additionally, the bill stipulates that municipalities cannot require permits or prior approvals for no-impact home-based businesses, although they may impose reasonable regulations to protect public health and safety, ensure compatibility with residential use, and prevent illegal activities. It also prohibits municipalities from requiring property rezoning for commercial use or the installation of fire sprinklers in certain residential properties. The bill emphasizes that any regulations enacted must be justified by clear and convincing evidence to ensure compliance with the established guidelines.