The bill establishes a Resilient Pavement Program under Minnesota Statutes, section 174.205, aimed at providing supplemental funding for modifications to the pavement design life of trunk highway projects. The program is designed to enhance long-term cost-effectiveness by allowing for revisions to projects that originally had a design life of 20 years or less. Key definitions are introduced, including "baseline project," "modified project," and "pavement cost," which help clarify the scope and eligibility of projects under this program. The commissioner of transportation is tasked with administering the program, which includes establishing procedures for project selection and ensuring that modified projects have a minimum pavement design life of 50 years.

Additionally, the bill appropriates $150 million from the general fund for the fiscal year 2027 to support the Resilient Pavement Program, with funds available until June 30, 2035. The commissioner is authorized to use these funds to cover up to 110% of the difference in anticipated pavement costs between modified and baseline projects, while also ensuring that no funds are allocated for program delivery. The bill mandates that the commissioner publish information about the program on the department's website, detailing project implementation, selection, and expenditures.