The bill proposes an appropriation of $21,475,000 from the bond proceeds fund to the Minnesota Zoological Board for capital improvements at the Minnesota Zoo. Specifically, $17,675,000 is allocated for the design, construction, furnishing, and equipping of a new animal hospital, while $3,800,000 is designated for capital asset preservation improvements and betterments to the zoo's infrastructure and exhibits. The bill allows for the asset preservation funds to be used for replacing outdated buildings and for constructing and renovating trails and roads on the zoo site, despite the usual restrictions outlined in Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.307.
Additionally, the bill authorizes the commissioner of management and budget to sell and issue state bonds up to the amount of $21,475,000 to fund these appropriations, following the procedures established in Minnesota Statutes and the Minnesota Constitution. The effective date of this section is set for the day following its final enactment.