The bill establishes performance requirements for the Northstar Commuter Rail line and outlines conditions for its potential termination. It defines key terms such as "Commissioner," "Council," and "Northstar," and sets specific performance metrics that must be met to avoid termination. These metrics include maintaining a total ridership of at least 450,000 in any six-month period and 900,000 annually, as well as achieving a farebox recovery ratio of at least 40 percent starting in 2026. If these requirements are not met, the Metropolitan Council is mandated to seek a federal waiver regarding payment obligations to the U.S. Department of Transportation.

In the event of non-compliance with the performance requirements, the bill stipulates a series of actions to be taken, including the decommissioning of Northstar services, termination of related agreements, and the conveyance of ownership of related properties back to the Commissioner of Transportation. Additionally, any revenue generated from the sale or disposal of Northstar assets must be deposited into the general fund. The provisions of this bill will take effect the day after final enactment and will apply to specific counties in Minnesota.