This bill appropriates $3,350,000 from the general fund for the fiscal year 2026 to the commissioner of natural resources, specifically for a grant to the city of Carver. The funds are designated for capital improvements aimed at restoring the Carver levee, which is crucial for protecting a significant historic district in Minnesota from potential floodwaters of the Minnesota River. The restoration project will include various phases such as predesign, design, engineering, land acquisition, and construction, with a focus on raising the levee's height, constructing internal drainage, and ensuring compliance with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) certification requirements.
Additionally, this appropriation is noted to be a one-time allocation that will remain available until the project is either completed or abandoned, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.642. The bill also states that this appropriation is supplementary to a previous allocation made in Laws 2023, chapter 72, article 1, section 7, subdivision 8, for the same purpose. The effective date of this section is set for the day following its final enactment.