The bill establishes a pilot program for a web-based single administrative structure and delivery system for nonemergency medical transportation under medical assistance and MinnesotaCare, to be implemented by January 1, 2026. The program will be coordinated by the commissioner of human services and the commissioner of transportation, and will involve one or two pilot programs across at least two counties, excluding metropolitan counties. Each pilot program will operate for three years and must include features such as bidirectional communication between payers and transportation providers, client access to ride scheduling and real-time trip monitoring, real-time eligibility determination, expedited payments for providers, and mechanisms for collecting feedback on service quality.

Additionally, the bill mandates that by February 1, 2027, and annually thereafter while the pilot program is active, the commissioner must submit a report to the legislative committees overseeing nonemergency medical transportation. This report will provide updates on the pilot programs and their effectiveness in improving the delivery of nonemergency medical transportation services.