This bill establishes a formal process for selecting delegates to a constitutional convention called by Congress under Article V of the United States Constitution. It mandates that the state of Minnesota appoint five delegates, with specific roles assigned to the senate majority leader, senate minority leader, speaker of the house, and the minority leader of the house of representatives. These four appointing authorities must unanimously select a fifth delegate; if they fail to do so by the appointment deadline, only four delegates will be sent. The bill also outlines the procedure for selecting alternate delegates, allowing each appointing authority to appoint one alternate, and stipulates that all appointments must be made no later than 30 days before the convention date or any deadline set by Congress.

Additionally, the bill includes provisions for the appointment of alternate delegates to ensure that the state is adequately represented even if a primary delegate is unable to fulfill their responsibilities. The clear timeline for appointments aims to ensure that the state is prepared for any convention called under Article V, thereby enhancing the state's participation in the constitutional amendment process.