The bill establishes a framework for providing financial aid to special taxing districts that are created to deliver fire protection and emergency medical services. It introduces a new section, [477A.41], in Minnesota Statutes, which defines key terms such as "commissioner" and "special taxing district." The bill outlines that the annual aid amount for each special taxing district will be 50 percent of its certified levy from the previous year. Additionally, if the total aid exceeds a specified limit, the distribution will be proportionally reduced among the districts to ensure compliance with that limit.

The bill also assigns responsibilities to the commissioner of revenue, who is tasked with calculating and certifying the aid amounts by August 1 each year and making payments to the relevant taxing authorities on July 20. Furthermore, it includes an appropriation from the general fund to support these payments, with the provision that the new aid system will take effect starting with aids payable in 2026.