The bill appropriates a total of $7,732,000 from the general fund for nitrate private well mitigation in Minnesota, specifically allocating $3,866,000 for fiscal years 2026 and 2027. This funding is designated for the commissioner of agriculture to implement measures such as reverse osmosis, well repair, and reconstruction for private drinking water wells that have nitrate levels exceeding the maximum contaminant level of ten milligrams per liter. The targeted counties for this initiative include Dodge, Fillmore, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Wabasha, and Winona. The bill emphasizes prioritizing assistance for households at or below 300 percent of the federal poverty guideline, as well as those with infants or pregnant individuals.

Additionally, the commissioner of agriculture is authorized to use the funds for education, outreach, and technical assistance to homeowners regarding nitrate contamination. The bill also allows for the transfer of funds to the commissioner of health to establish and manage a mitigation program for the affected wells. Notably, the commissioner of agriculture may allocate up to 6.5 percent of the appropriation for administrative costs, despite existing statutory limitations.