This bill amends several sections of the Minnesota Statutes to modify various judicial processes and appropriations. Notably, it raises the claim amount for mandatory binding arbitration from $10,000 to $20,000 for comprehensive or collision damage coverage. Additionally, it eliminates the requirement for certification of certain juvenile court expenses and allows for the filing of court papers at any location within St. Louis County, rather than being restricted to specific cities. The bill also updates the requirements for court orders related to child support and conservatorship reporting, ensuring that reports are provided to interested parties and establishing a system for monitoring conservatorships.
Furthermore, the bill includes significant appropriations for the judiciary, allocating funds to the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and District Courts for maintaining core operations and improving access to court information. Specific appropriations include $3,019,000 for the Supreme Court in fiscal year 2026, $902,000 for the Court of Appeals, and $21,182,000 for District Courts, among others. These funds are intended to enhance digital accessibility, increase payments to forensic examiners, and raise juror per diem and mileage rates, ensuring the judiciary can effectively serve the public.
Statutes affected: Introduction: 65B.525, 484.44, 484.51, 518.68, 524.5