The bill establishes a reimbursement program for use of force training for peace officers in Minnesota, appropriating $2,500,000 from the general fund for fiscal year 2025. The funds will be allocated to the commissioner of the Office of Higher Education to provide grants to certified postsecondary schools that offer in-service training programs on the use of force, including deadly force. The bill outlines specific eligibility criteria for the training, which must include scenario-based simulations, instruction on the effects of stress, de-escalation methods, and be provided at no cost to the officers or their agencies.

Additionally, postsecondary schools that meet the training requirements can apply for reimbursement at a rate of $450 for each officer who completes the training. The schools are required to submit the names and license numbers of the officers trained to the Office of Higher Education for reimbursement processing. The bill also defines key terms such as "law enforcement agency" and "peace officer" as per existing Minnesota statutes.