The bill amends Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 62M.07, subdivision 2, to prohibit prior authorization for certain health services. Specifically, it adds a new provision that states no utilization review organization, health plan company, or claims administrator may require prior authorization for any service, item, or treatment for which the health plan company's liability would be equal to or less than $100 if the service were approved. This addition aims to streamline access to low-cost health services and reduce administrative burdens on both providers and patients.
In addition to the new provision, the bill also makes a deletion of the phrase "and" at the end of clause (5) and removes clause (6) regarding treatment delivered through a neonatal abstinence program. The remaining clauses (1) through (5) are retained, with the new clause (7) being inserted to enhance the list of services exempt from prior authorization requirements. This legislative change is intended to improve healthcare accessibility and efficiency for patients receiving low-cost treatments.
Statutes affected: Introduction: 62M.07