This bill appropriates $13,287,000 from the bond proceeds fund to the public facilities authority for a grant to the city of Excelsior, specifically for the reconstruction of streets and replacement of publicly owned infrastructure. The funding will cover various aspects of the project, including predesign, design, engineering, acquisition of right-of-way, and construction related to water mains, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, curbs, gutters, and other infrastructure improvements as outlined in the city's Pavement Management Plan. Additionally, any expenditures made by the city prior to the effective date of this section will count towards the nonstate match.

To facilitate this appropriation, the bill authorizes the commissioner of management and budget to sell and issue state bonds up to the amount of $13,287,000, following the procedures established by Minnesota Statutes and the Minnesota Constitution. The effective date of this section is set for the day following its final enactment.