The bill proposes an appropriation of $7,000,000 from the bond proceeds fund to the Public Facilities Authority for a grant to the Voyageurs National Park Clean Water Joint Powers Board. This funding is designated for the predesign, design, and construction of a wastewater collection and treatment system in the unorganized area of Ash River, located in St. Louis County. Notably, this appropriation is exempt from certain requirements outlined in Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.86, subdivision 4.

To finance this appropriation, the bill authorizes the commissioner of management and budget to sell and issue state bonds up to the amount of $7,000,000. The issuance of these bonds will follow the procedures and terms established by Minnesota Statutes, sections 16A.631 to 16A.675, as well as the relevant provisions of the Minnesota Constitution. The bill will take effect the day after it is enacted.