This resolution calls on Congress to overturn the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC, which granted constitutional rights to corporations and equated money with speech under the First Amendment. The resolution argues that these rulings have undermined the democratic process by allowing artificial entities to exert disproportionate influence in elections, thereby limiting the ability of citizens to participate meaningfully in democracy. It emphasizes the need for a constitutional amendment to clarify that the rights protected by the Constitution are solely for natural persons and that entities like corporations do not possess separate rights.

The proposed amendment includes several key provisions: it asserts that only natural persons have constitutional rights, that entities are subject to regulation by the people, and that governments at all levels should regulate contributions and expenditures to ensure equitable access to the political process. Additionally, it mandates public disclosure of permissible contributions and expenditures. The resolution directs the Secretary of State of Minnesota to distribute copies of this resolution to relevant congressional leaders and representatives.