The bill amends the definition of "employee" in Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 181.9445, subdivision 5, specifically for the purposes of earned sick and safe time. The revised definition includes any person employed by an employer who is expected to work at least 80 hours in a year, encompassing temporary and part-time employees. However, it explicitly excludes independent contractors, certain volunteer firefighters and ambulance personnel, and individuals serving on governmental boards or commissions.
Notably, the bill introduces a new exclusion for individuals appointed to serve on a board or commission of a governmental subdivision or instrumentality, while also renumbering the existing exclusions. The previous exclusion related to vacancies in elected offices and the provision of physical labor on farms has been updated to clarify the conditions under which farm labor is excluded, specifically when the individual works for 28 days or less each year.
Statutes affected: Introduction: 181.9445