The bill amends Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 629.72, subdivision 2, to require that courts make release decisions regarding individuals arrested for specific domestic violence-related offenses on the record. The judge is mandated to review the circumstances of the arrest and consider the victim's account before determining whether the release of the arrested person poses a threat to the alleged victim or public safety, or if there is a likelihood of the person failing to appear at future proceedings. The bill removes the previous requirement for the judge to make findings "to the extent possible" regarding these factors, thereby emphasizing the necessity of documenting these considerations.

Additionally, the bill outlines the conditions under which a judge may impose release or bail, including prohibitions on contact with the alleged victim and restrictions on weapon possession. It also establishes that if a no-contact condition is imposed, the judge may issue a temporary restraining order or order for protection, which remains effective until the case is resolved. The bill includes an effective date of August 1, 2025, applying to pretrial release decisions made on or after that date.

Statutes affected:
Introduction: 629.72