The bill amends various sections of Minnesota Statutes related to transportation, specifically focusing on project assessment criteria and greenhouse gas emission targets. It requires applicable entities to perform impact assessments for transportation projects before their inclusion in state or metropolitan improvement programs. If a project does not conform to the established criteria, entities must either alter the project, interlink mitigation strategies, or halt development. The bill also clarifies that certain projects related to transportation safety are excluded from these assessments and establishes a timeline for assessing projects based on specific criteria.

Additionally, the bill modifies transportation policy goals to emphasize the importance of minimizing fatalities and injuries, enhancing economic development, and promoting environmentally friendly transportation options. It introduces new greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and mandates that vehicle miles traveled reduction targets are secondary to safety goals. The effective date for these changes is set for the day following final enactment, applying to plans or projects assessed thereafter.

Statutes affected:
Introduction: 161.178, 174.01, 174.03