A bill for an act
relating to broadband grants; renaming the Office of Broadband Development to
the Office of Broadband Development and Digital Equity; modifying the duties
and reporting requirements of the office; expanding the state's broadband goals;
establishing a multifamily dwelling grant program; amending definitions for the
purposes of broadband development; appropriating money; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2022, sections 13.598, subdivision 13; 116J.39; 116J.391, subdivision 1;
116J.394; 116J.395, subdivisions 6, 8; 116J.397; 237.012, by adding a subdivision;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116J.


Section 1.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 13.598, subdivision 13, is amended to read:

Subd. 13.

Office of Broadband Developmentnew text begin and Digital Equitynew text end ; deployment

Disclosure of deployment data provided by a broadband provider to the Office of
Broadband Developmentnew text begin and Digital Equitynew text end is governed by section 116J.397.

Sec. 2.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 116J.39, is amended to read:


Subdivision 1.


(a) For the purposes of this section, the following terms have
the meanings given them.

(b) "Broadband" or "broadband service" means any service providing advanced
telecommunications capability and Internet access with transmission speeds that, at a
minimum, meet the Federal Communications Commission definition for broadband.

(c) "Local unit of government" has the meaning given in section 116G.03, subdivision

(d) "Office" means the Office of Broadband Developmentnew text begin and Digital Equitynew text end established
in subdivision 2, paragraph (a).

Subd. 2.

Office established; purpose.

(a) An Office of Broadband Developmentnew text begin and
Digital Equity
new text end is established within the Department of Employment and Economic
Development and shall remain in existence until the commissioner certifies that the state
has met the broadband goals established in section 237.012. The director shall be appointed
by the governor and shall serve in the unclassified service. The director must be qualified
by experience and training in broadband. The office may employ staff necessary to carry
out the office's duties under subdivision 4.

(b) The purpose of the office is to encourage, foster, develop, and improve broadbandnew text begin
access and adoption and related digital inclusion activities needed for digital equity
new text end within
the state in order to:

(1) drive job creation, promote innovation, and expand markets for Minnesota businesses;

(2) serve the ongoing and growing needs of Minnesota's education systems, health care
system, public safety system, industries and businesses, governmental operations, and
citizens; and

(3) improve accessibility for underserved communities and populations.

Subd. 3.


The office shall consist of a director of the Office of Broadband
Developmentnew text begin and Digital Equitynew text end , as well as any staff necessary to carry out the office's
duties under subdivision 4.

Subd. 4.


(a) The office shall have the power and duty to:

(1) serve as the central broadband new text begin and digital equity new text end planning body for the state of

(2) coordinate with state, regional, local, and private entities to develop, to the maximum
extent practicable, a uniform statewide broadband access and usage policy;

(3) develop, recommend, and implement a statewide plan to encourage cost-effective
broadband access, and to make recommendations for increased usage, particularly in rural
and other underserved areas;

(4) coordinate efforts, in consultation and cooperation with the commissioner of
commerce, local units of government, and private entities, to meet the state's broadband
goals in section 237.012;

(5) develop, coordinate, and implement the state's broadband infrastructure development
program under section 116J.391;

(6) provide consultation services to local units of government or other project sponsors
in connection with the planning, acquisition, improvement, construction, or development
of any broadband deployment project;

(7) encourage public-private partnerships to increase deployment and adoption of
broadband services and applications, including recommending funding options and possible
incentives to encourage investment in broadband expansion;

(8) monitor the broadband development efforts of other states and nations in areas such
as business, education, public safety, and health;

(9) consult with the commissioner of commerce to monitor broadband-related activities
at the federal level, including regulatory and policy changes and the potential impact on
broadband deployment and sustainability in the state;

(10) serve as an information clearinghouse for federal programs providing financial
assistance to institutions located in rural areas seeking to obtain access to high-speed
broadband service, and use this information as an outreach tool to make institutions located
in rural areas that are unserved or underserved with respect to broadband service aware of
the existence of federal assistance;

(11) provide logistical and administrative support for the Governor's Broadband Task

(12) provide an annual report, as required by subdivision 5;

(13) coordinate an ongoing collaborative effort of stakeholders to evaluate and address
security, vulnerability, and redundancy issues in order to ensure the reliability of broadband
networks; deleted text begin and
deleted text end

(14) perform any other activities consistent with the office's purposedeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ;
new text end

new text begin (15) develop, recommend, and implement a statewide digital equity plan that encourages
broadband adoption, computer access, and training related to digital skills and online safety,
focusing on the needs of people who have historically had limited digital opportunity,
including households with limited incomes, people with limited English proficiency, people
who live in multifamily dwellings, and people who are members of a racial or ethnic minority
group; and
new text end

new text begin (16) develop, coordinate, and implement programs that are necessary to meet the state's
digital equity goals.
new text end

(b) In carrying out its duties under this subdivision, the Office of Broadband Developmentnew text begin
and Digital Equity
new text end shall have no authority to regulate or compel action on the part of any
provider of broadband service.

Subd. 5.


(a) Beginning January 15, 2014, and each year thereafter, the Office
of Broadband Developmentnew text begin and Digital Equitynew text end shall report to the legislative committees
with jurisdiction over broadband policy and finance on the office's activities during the
previous year.

(b) The report shall contain, at a minimum:

(1) an analysis of the current availability and use of broadband, including average
broadband speedsnew text begin and enrollmentnew text end , within the state;

(2) information gathered from schools, libraries, hospitals, and public safety facilities
across the state, determining the actual speed and capacity of broadband currently in use
and the need, if any, for increases in speed and capacity to meet current or anticipated needs;

(3) an analysis of incumbent broadband infrastructure within the state and its ability to
spur economic development;

(4) an analysis of the degree to which new, additional, or improved broadband
infrastructure would spur economic development in the state;

(5) a summary of the office's activities in coordinating broadband infrastructure
development under section 116J.391;

(6) suggested policies, incentives, and legislation designed to accelerate the achievement
of the goals under section 237.012, subdivisions 1 deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin ,new text end 2new text begin , and 3new text end ;

(7) any proposed legislative and policy initiatives; deleted text begin and
deleted text end

(8) any other information requested by the legislative committees with jurisdiction over
broadband policy and finance, or that the office deems necessarydeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; and
new text end

new text begin (9) a summary of the office's activities in coordinating digital inclusion programs
including broadband adoption, computer distribution, and training related to digital skills
and online safety.
new text end

(c) The report may be submitted electronically and is subject to section 3.195, subdivision

Sec. 3.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 116J.391, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.


(a) For the purposes of this section, the following terms have
the meanings given them.

(b) "Broadband" or "broadband service" has the meaning given in section 116J.39,
subdivision 1, paragraph (b).

(c) "Broadband conduit" means a conduit, pipe, innerduct, or microduct for fiber optic
or other cables that support broadband and wireless facilities for broadband service.

(d) "Local unit of government" has the meaning given in section 116G.03, subdivision

(e) "Office" means the Office of Broadband Developmentnew text begin and Digital Equitynew text end established
in section 116J.39.

Sec. 4.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 116J.394, is amended to read:


(a) For the purposes of sections 116J.394 to 116J.398, the following terms have the
meanings given them.

(b) "Broadband" or "broadband service" has the meaning given in section 116J.39,
subdivision 1, paragraph (b)