The bill proposes to amend Minnesota Statutes to allow smudging in public schools, specifically permitting American Indian students and staff to use tobacco, sage, sweetgrass, and cedar for individual or group smudging ceremonies. The process for conducting smudging will be determined by the building or site administrator, and it must occur under the direct supervision of an appropriate staff member. This new provision is codified under a new section, [121A.08], which explicitly recognizes the cultural significance of smudging for American Indian individuals within the educational environment.
Additionally, the bill amends section 144.4165 of the Minnesota Statutes, which prohibits the use of tobacco products in public schools. The amendment clarifies that while the use of activated electronic delivery devices is prohibited, American Indian students are allowed to carry a medicine pouch containing loose tobacco for traditional spiritual or cultural practices. This change acknowledges the importance of cultural observances while maintaining the overall prohibition on tobacco products in school settings.
Statutes affected: Introduction: 144.4165