A bill for an act
relating to health; correcting an appropriation to the commissioner of health;
amending Laws 2023, chapter 70, article 20, section 3, subdivision 2.


Section 1.

Laws 2023, chapter 70, article 20, section 3, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Health Improvement

Appropriations by Fund
State Government
Special Revenue
Health Care Access
Federal TANF

(a) Studies of telehealth expansion and
payment parity.
$1,200,000 in fiscal year
2024 is from the general fund for studies of
telehealth expansion and payment parity. This
is a onetime appropriation and is available
until June 30, 2025.

(b) Advancing equity through capacity
building and resource allocation grant
$916,000 in fiscal year 2024 and
$916,000 in fiscal year 2025 are from the
general fund for grants under Minnesota
Statutes, section 144.9821. This is a onetime

(c) Grant to Minnesota Community Health
Worker Alliance.
$971,000 in fiscal year
2024 and $971,000 in fiscal year 2025 are
from the general fund for Minnesota Statutes,
section 144.1462.

(d) Community solutions for healthy child
development grants.
$2,730,000 in fiscal year
2024 and $2,730,000 in fiscal year 2025 are
from the general fund for grants under
Minnesota Statutes, section 145.9257. The
base for this appropriation is $2,415,000 in
fiscal year 2026 and $2,415,000 in fiscal year

(e) Comprehensive Overdose and Morbidity
Prevention Act.
$9,794,000 in fiscal year
2024 and $10,458,000 in fiscal year 2025 are
from the general fund for comprehensive
overdose and morbidity prevention strategies
under Minnesota Statutes, section 144.0528.
The base for this appropriation is $10,476,000
in fiscal year 2026 and $10,476,000 in fiscal
year 2027.

(f) Emergency preparedness and response.
$10,486,000 in fiscal year 2024 and
$14,314,000 in fiscal year 2025 are from the
general fund for public health emergency
preparedness and response, the sustainability
of the strategic stockpile, and COVID-19
pandemic response transition. The base for
this appropriation is $11,438,000 in fiscal year
2026 and $11,362,000 in fiscal year 2027.

(g) Healthy Beginnings, Healthy Families.
(1) $8,440,000 in fiscal year 2024 and
$7,305,000 in fiscal year 2025 are from the
general fund for grants under Minnesota
Statutes, sections 145.9571 to 145.9576. The
base for this appropriation is $1,500,000 in
fiscal year 2026 and $1,500,000 in fiscal year
2027. (2) Of the amount in clause (1),
$400,000 in fiscal year 2024 is to support the
transition from implementation of activities
under Minnesota Statutes, section 145.4235,
to implementation of activities under
Minnesota Statutes, sections 145.9571 to
145.9576. The commissioner shall award four
sole-source grants of $100,000 each to Face
to Face, Cradle of Hope, Division of Indian
Work, and Minnesota Prison Doula Project.
The amount in this clause is a onetime

(h) Help Me Connect. $463,000 in fiscal year
2024 and $921,000 in fiscal year 2025 are
from the general fund for the Help Me
Connect program under Minnesota Statutes,
section 145.988.

(i) Home visiting. $2,000,000 in fiscal year
2024 and $2,000,000 in fiscal year 2025 are
from the general fund for home visiting under
Minnesota Statutes, section 145.87, to provide
home visiting to priority populations under
Minnesota Statutes, section 145.87,
subdivision 1
, paragraph (e).

(j) No Surprises Act enforcement.
$1,210,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $1,090,000
in fiscal year 2025 are from the general fund
for implementation of the federal No Surprises
Act under Minnesota Statutes, section
62Q.021, and an assessment of the feasibility
of a statewide provider directory. The general
fund base for this appropriation is $855,000
in fiscal year 2026 and $855,000 in fiscal year

(k) Office of African American Health.
$1,000,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $1,000,000
in fiscal year 2025 are from the general fund
for grants under the authority of the Office of
African American Health under Minnesota
Statutes, section 144.0756.

(l) Office of American Indian Health.
$1,000,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $1,000,000
in fiscal year 2025 are from the general fund
for grants under the authority of the Office of
American Indian Health under Minnesota
Statutes, section 144.0757.

(m) Public health system transformation
(1) $9,844,000 in fiscal year 2024 and
$9,844,000 in fiscal year 2025 are from the
general fund for grants under Minnesota
Statutes, section 145A.131, subdivision 1,
paragraph (f).

(2) $535,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $535,000
in fiscal year 2025 are from the general fund
for grants under Minnesota Statutes, section
145A.14, subdivision 2b.

(3) $321,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $321,000
in fiscal year 2025 are from the general fund
for grants under Minnesota Statutes, section

(n) Health care workforce. (1) $1,010,000
in fiscal year 2024 and $2,550,000 in fiscal
year 2025 are from the health care access fund
for rural training tracks and rural clinicals
grants under Minnesota Statutes, sections
144.1505 and 144.1507. The base for this
appropriation is $4,060,000 in fiscal year 2026
and $3,600,000 in fiscal year 2027.

(2) $420,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $420,000
in fiscal year 2025 are from the health care
access fund for immigrant international
medical graduate training grants under
Minnesota Statutes, section 144.1911.

(3) $5,654,000 in fiscal year 2024 and
$5,550,000 in fiscal year 2025 are from the
health care access fund for site-based clinical
training grants under Minnesota Statutes,
section 144.1508. The base for this
appropriation is $4,657,000 in fiscal year 2026
and $3,451,000 in fiscal year 2027.

(4) $1,000,000 in fiscal year 2024 and
$1,000,000 in fiscal year 2025 are from the
health care access fund for mental health for
health care professional grants. This is a
onetime appropriation and is available until
June 30, 2027.

(5) $502,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $502,000
in fiscal year 2025 are from the health care
access fund for workforce research and data
analysis of shortages, maldistribution of health
care providers in Minnesota, and the factors
that influence decisions of health care
providers to practice in rural areas of

(o) School health. $800,000 in fiscal year
2024 and $1,300,000 in fiscal year 2025 are
from the general fund for grants under
Minnesota Statutes, section 145.903. The base
for this appropriation is $2,300,000 in fiscal
year 2026 and $2,300,000 in fiscal year 2027.

(p) Long COVID. $3,146,000 in fiscal year
2024 and $3,146,000 in fiscal year 2025 are
from the general fund for grants and to
implement Minnesota Statutes, section

(q) Workplace safety grants. $4,400,000 in
fiscal year 2024 is from the general fund for
grants to health care entities to improve
employee safety or security. This is a onetime
appropriation and is available until June 30,
2027. The commissioner may use up to ten
percent of this appropriation for

(r) Clinical dental education innovation
$1,122,000 in fiscal year 2024 and
$1,122,000 in fiscal year 2025 are from the
general fund for clinical dental education
innovation grants under Minnesota Statutes,
section 144.1913.

(s) Emmett Louis Till Victims Recovery
$500,000 in fiscal year 2024 is from
the general fund for a grant to the Emmett
Louis Till Victims Recovery Program. The
commissioner must not use any of this
appropriation for administration. This is a
onetime appropriation and is available until
June 30, 2025.

(t) Center for health care affordability.
$2,752,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $3,989,000
in fiscal year 2025 are from the general fund
to establish a center for health care
affordability and to implement Minnesota
Statutes, section 62J.312. The general fund
base for this appropriation is $3,988,000 in
fiscal year 2026 and $3,988,000 in fiscal year

(u) Federally qualified health centers
apprenticeship program.
$690,000 in fiscal
year 2024 and $690,000 in fiscal year 2025