A bill for an act
relating to natural resources; modifying grant terms for a previous appropriation
for a grant to the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center; amending
Laws 2023, chapter 60, article 1, section 3, subdivision 3.


Section 1.

Laws 2023, chapter 60, article 1, section 3, subdivision 3, is amended to read:

Subd. 3.

Ecological and Water Resources

Appropriations by Fund
Natural Resources
Game and Fish

(a) $4,222,000 the first year and $4,222,000
the second year are from the invasive species
account in the natural resources fund and
$2,831,000 the first year and $2,831,000 the
second year are from the general fund for
management, public awareness, assessment
and monitoring research, and water access
inspection to prevent the spread of invasive
species; management of invasive plants in
public waters; and management of terrestrial
invasive species on state-administered lands.

(b) $6,056,000 the first year and $6,056,000
the second year are from the water
management account in the natural resources
fund for only the purposes specified in
Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.27,
subdivision 2

(c) $124,000 the first year and $124,000 the
second year are for a grant to the Mississippi
Headwaters Board for up to 50 percent of the
cost of implementing the comprehensive plan
for the upper Mississippi within areas under
the board's jurisdiction. By December 15,
2025, the board must submit a report to the
chairs and ranking minority members of the
legislative committees and divisions with
jurisdiction over environment and natural
resources on the activities funded under this
paragraph and the progress made in
implementing the comprehensive plan.

(d) $10,000 the first year and $10,000 the
second year are for payment to the Leech Lake
Band of Chippewa Indians to implement the
band's portion of the comprehensive plan for
the upper Mississippi River.

(e) $300,000 the first year and $300,000 the
second year are for grants for up to 50 percent
of the cost of implementing the Red River
mediation agreement. The base for this
appropriation in fiscal year 2026 and beyond
is $264,000.

(f) $2,598,000 the first year and $2,598,000
the second year are from the heritage
enhancement account in the game and fish
fund for only the purposes specified in
Minnesota Statutes, section 297A.94,
paragraph (h), clause (1).

(g) $1,150,000 the first year and $1,150,000
the second year are from the nongame wildlife
management account in the natural resources
fund for nongame wildlife management.
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section
290.431, $100,000 the first year and $100,000
the second year may be used for nongame
wildlife information, education, and

(h) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes,
section 84.943, $48,000 the first year and
$48,000 the second year from the critical
habitat private sector matching account may
be used to publicize the critical habitat license
plate match program.

(i) $6,000,000 the first year and $6,000,000
the second year are for the following activities:

(1) financial reimbursement and technical
support to soil and water conservation districts
or other local units of government for
groundwater-level monitoring;

(2) surface water monitoring and analysis,
including installing monitoring gauges;

(3) groundwater analysis to assist with
water-appropriation permitting decisions;

(4) permit application review incorporating
surface water and groundwater technical

(5) precipitation data and analysis to improve
irrigation use;

(6) information technology, including
electronic permitting and integrated data
systems; and

(7) compliance and monitoring.

(j) new text begin Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes,
section 297A.94, paragraph (k),
new text end $2,410,000
the first year and $410,000 the second year
are from the heritage enhancement account in
the game and fish fund and $500,000 the first
year and $500,000 the second year are from
the general fund for grants to the Minnesota
Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center at
the University of Minnesota to prioritize,
support, and develop research-based solutions
that can reduce the effects of aquatic invasive
species in Minnesota by preventing spread,
controlling populations, and managing
ecosystems and to advance knowledge to
inspire action by others.new text begin The grant contract
requirements under this appropriation must be
consistent with and must not exceed the
requirements in the master joint powers
agreement between the commissioner of
natural resources and the regents of the
University of Minnesota signed on June 29,
new text end

(k) $268,000 the first year and $268,000 the
second year are for increased capacity for
broadband utility licensing for state lands and
public waters. This is a onetime appropriation
and is available until June 30, 2028.

(l) $998,000 the first year and $568,000 the
second year are for protecting and restoring
carbon storage in state-administered peatlands
by reviewing and updating the state's peatland
inventory, piloting a restoration project, and
piloting trust fund buyouts. This is a onetime
appropriation and is available until June 30,

(m) $250,000 the first year is for a grant to the
Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates to
work with civic leaders to purchase, install,
and operate waterless cleaning stations for
watercraft; conduct aquatic invasive species
education; and implement education upgrades
at public accesses to prevent invasive starry
stonewort spread beyond the lakes already
infested. This is a onetime appropriation and
is available until June 30, 2025.

(n) $1,720,000 the first year is to prevent and
manage invasive carp. This includes activities
related to the Mississippi River Lock and Dam
and stakeholder engagement. Up to $325,000
may be used for a grant to the Board of
Regents of the University of Minnesota to
study the Mississippi River Lock Dam 5
spillway and provide preliminary design to
optimize management to redu