A bill for an act
relating to public safety; correcting statutory citation related to obscene or harassing
telephone calls; clarifying reference to minimum term of imprisonment for certain
offenders; clarifying organized retail theft; correcting statutory citation reference
related to expungement; clarifying eligibility standard applicable to retroactive
relief for certain persons convicted of aiding and abetting felony murder; making
conforming changes; amending Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, sections
299C.10, subdivision 1; 609.3455, subdivision 5; 609.522, subdivisions 1, 2;
609A.02, subdivision 3; 638.12, subdivision 2; 638.15, subdivision 1; Laws 2023,
chapter 52, article 4, section 24, subdivisions 3, 4, 7.


Section 1.

Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 299C.10, subdivision 1, is amended
to read:

Subdivision 1.

Required fingerprinting.

(a) Sheriffs, peace officers, and community
corrections agencies operating secure juvenile detention facilities shall take or cause to be
taken immediately fingerprints and thumbprints, photographs, distinctive physical mark
identification data, information on any known aliases or street names, and other identification
data requested or required by the superintendent of the bureau, of the following:

(1) persons arrested for, appearing in court on a charge of, or convicted of a felony, gross
misdemeanor, or targeted misdemeanor;

(2) juveniles arrested for, appearing in court on a charge of, adjudicated delinquent for,
or alleged to have committed felonies or gross misdemeanors as distinguished from those
committed by adult offenders;

(3) adults and juveniles admitted to jails or detention facilities;

(4) persons reasonably believed by the arresting officer to be fugitives from justice;

(5) persons in whose possession, when arrested, are found concealed firearms or other
dangerous weapons, burglar tools or outfits, high-power explosives, or articles, machines,
or appliances usable for an unlawful purpose and reasonably believed by the arresting officer
to be intended for such purposes;

(6) juveniles referred by a law enforcement agency to a diversion program for a felony
or gross misdemeanor offense; and

(7) persons currently involved in the criminal justice process, on probation, on parole,
or in custody for any offense whom the superintendent of the bureau identifies as being the
subject of a court disposition record which cannot be linked to an arrest record, and whose
fingerprints are necessary to reduce the number of suspense files, or to comply with the
mandates of section 299C.111, relating to the reduction of the number of suspense files.
This duty to obtain fingerprints for the offenses in suspense at the request of the bureau
shall include the requirement that fingerprints be taken in post-arrest interviews, while
making court appearances, while in custody, or while on any form of probation, diversion,
or supervised release.

(b) Unless the superintendent of the bureau requires a shorter period, within 24 hours
of taking the fingerprints and data, the fingerprint records and other identification data
specified under paragraph (a) must be electronically entered into a bureau-managed
searchable database in a manner as may be prescribed by the superintendent.

(c) Prosecutors, courts, and probation officers and their agents, employees, and
subordinates shall attempt to ensure that the required identification data is taken on a person
described in paragraph (a). Law enforcement may take fingerprints of an individual who is
presently on probation.

(d) Fingerprints and thumbprints must be obtained no later than:

(1) release from booking; or

(2) if not booked prior to acceptance of a plea of guilty or not guilty.

Prior to acceptance of a plea of guilty or not guilty, an individual's finger and thumb
prints must be submitted to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension for the offense. If finger
and thumb prints have not been successfully received by the bureau, an individual may,
upon order of the court, be taken into custody for no more than eight hours so that the taking
of prints can be completed. Upon notice and motion of the prosecuting attorney, this time
period may be extended upon a showing that additional time in custody is essential for the
successful taking of prints.

(e) For purposes of this section, a targeted misdemeanor is a misdemeanor violation of
section 169A.20 (driving while impaired), 518B.01 (order for protection violation), 609.224
(fifth-degree assault), 609.2242 (domestic assault), 609.746 (interference with privacy),
609.748 (harassment or restraining order violation), deleted text begin 609.749deleted text end new text begin 609.79new text end (obscene or harassing
telephone calls), 617.23 (indecent exposure), or 629.75 (domestic abuse no contact order).

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end

Sec. 2.

Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 609.3455, subdivision 5, is amended
to read:

Subd. 5.

Life sentences; minimum term of imprisonment.

At the time of sentencing
under subdivision 3 or 4, the court shall specify a minimum term of imprisonment, based
on the sentencing guidelines or any applicable mandatory minimum sentence, that must be
served before the offender may be considered for supervised release. If the offender was
under 18 years of age at the time of the commission of the offense, the minimum term of
imprisonment specified by the court shall not exceed the applicable minimum term of
imprisonment described in new text begin section 244.05, new text end subdivision 4b.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end

Sec. 3.

Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 609.522, subdivision 1, is amended
to read:

Subdivision 1.


(a) As used in this section, the following terms have the
meanings given.

(b) "Pattern of retail theft" means acts committed or directed by the defendant on at least
two separate occasions in the preceding six months that would constitute a violation of:

(1) section 609.52, subdivision 2, paragraph (a), deleted text begin clausesdeleted text end new text begin clausenew text end (1), (3), deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin ornew text end (4),
involving retail merchandise;

(2) section 609.521;

(3) section 609.53, subdivision 1, involving retail merchandise;

(4) section 609.582 when the building was a retail establishment; or

(5) section 609.59.

(c) "Retail establishment" means the building where a retailer sells retail merchandise.

(d) "Retail merchandise" means all forms of tangible property, without limitation, held
out for sale by a retailer.

(e) "Retail theft enterprise" means a group of two or more individuals with a shared goal
involving the unauthorized removal of retail merchandise from a retailer. Retail theft
enterprise does not require the membership of the enterprise to remain the same or that the
same individuals participate in each offense committed by the enterprise.

(f) "Retailer" means a person or entity that sells retail merchandise.

(g) "Value" means the retail market value at the time of the theft or, if the retail market
value cannot be ascertained, the cost of replacement of the property within a reasonable
time after the theft.

Sec. 4.

Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 609.522, subdivision 2, is amended
to read:

Subd. 2.

Organized retail theft.

A person is guilty of organized retail theft if:

(1) the person is employed by or associated with a retail theft enterprise;

(2) the person has previously engaged in a pattern of retail theft and intentionally commits
an act or directs another member of the retail theft enterprise to commit an act involving
retail merchandise that would constitute a violation of:

(i) section 609.52, subdivision 2, paragraph (a), deleted text begin clausesdeleted text end new text begin clausenew text end (1), (3), deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin ornew text end (4); or

(ii) section 609.53, subdivision 1; and

(3) the person or another member of the retail theft enterprise:

(i) resells or intends to resell the stolen retail merchandise;

(ii) advertises or displays any item of the stolen retail merchandise for sale; or

(iii) returns any item of the stolen retail merchandise to a retailer for anything of value.

Sec. 5.

Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 609A.02, subdivision 3, is amended
to read:

Subd. 3.

Certain criminal proceedings.

(a) A petition may be filed under section
609A.03 to seal all records relating to an arrest, indictment or information, trial, or verdict
if the records are not subject to section 299C.11, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), and if:

(1) all pending actions or proceedings were resolved in favor of the petitioner. For
purposes of this chapter, a verdict of not guilty by reason of mental illness is not a resolution
in favor of the petitioner. For the purposes of this chapter, an action or proceeding is resolved
in favor of the petitioner, if the petitioner received an order under section 590.11 determining
that the petitioner is eligible for compensation based on exoneration;

(2) the petitioner has successfully completed the terms of a diversion program or stay
of adjudication and has not been charged with a new crime for at least one year since
completion of the diversion program or stay of adjudication;

(3) the petitioner was convicted of a petty misdemeanor or misdemeanor or the sentence
imposed was within the limits provided by law for a misdemeanor and the petitioner has
not been convicted of a new crime for at least two years since discharge of the sentence for
the crime;

(4) the petitioner was convicted of a gross misdemeanor or the sentence imposed was
within the limits provided by law for a gross misdemeanor and the petitioner has not been
convicted of a new crime for at least three years since discharge of the sentence for the

(5) the petitioner was convicted of a gros