A bill for an act
relating to transportation; modifying various policies, including but not limited to
legislative routes, driving rules, small business contract preferences, nondivisible
loads, and greater Minnesota transit programs; making technical corrections;
appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 161.115,
subdivisions 116, 117, by adding a subdivision; 161.321, subdivisions 2, 2b;
169.19, subdivision 2; 169.34, subdivision 1; 169.444, subdivision 4; 169.80, by
adding a subdivision; 174.03, subdivision 12; 174.22, subdivisions 2b, 7, 12, 14,
by adding subdivisions; 174.23, subdivision 2; 174.24, subdivisions 1a, 3b, 3c;
174.247; Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, sections 161.045, subdivision 3;
174.40, subdivision 4a; Laws 2023, chapter 68, article 1, section 2, subdivision 4;
repealing Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 169.011, subdivision 70; 169.25;
174.22, subdivisions 5, 8, 15; 174.23, subdivision 7; Minnesota Rules, parts
8835.0110, subparts 1, 1a, 6, 7, 10, 11a, 12a, 12b, 13a, 14a, 15, 15a, 16, 17, 18,
19; 8835.0210; 8835.0220; 8835.0230; 8835.0240; 8835.0250; 8835.0260;
8835.0265; 8835.0270; 8835.0275; 8835.0280; 8835.0290; 8835.0310; 8835.0320;
8835.0330, subparts 1, 3, 4; 8835.0350, subparts 1, 3, 4, 5.




Section 1.

Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 161.045, subdivision 3, is amended
to read:

Subd. 3.

Limitations on spending.

(a) A commissioner must not pay for any of the
following with funds from the highway user tax distribution fund or the trunk highway fund:

(1) Bureau of Criminal Apprehension laboratory;

(2) Explore Minnesota Tourism kiosks;

(3) Minnesota Safety Council;

(4) driver education programs;

(5) Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board;

(6) Mississippi River Parkway Commission;

(7) payments to the Department of Information Technology Services in excess of actual
costs incurred for trunk highway purposes;

(8) personnel costs incurred on behalf of the governor's office;

(9) the Office of Aeronautics within the Department of Transportation;

(10) the Office of Transit and Active Transportation within the Department of

(11) the Office of Passenger Rail;

(12) purchase and maintenance of soft body armor under section 299A.38;

(13) tourist information centers;

(14) parades, events, or sponsorships of events;

deleted text begin (15) the installation, construction, expansion, or maintenance of public electric vehicle
deleted text end

deleted text begin (16)deleted text end new text begin (15)new text end the statewide notification center for excavation services pursuant to chapter
216D; and

deleted text begin (17)deleted text end new text begin (16)new text end manufacturing license plates.

(b) The prohibition in paragraph (a) includes all expenses for the named entity or program,
including but not limited to payroll, purchased services, supplies, repairs, and equipment.
This prohibition on spending applies to any successor entities or programs that are
substantially similar to the entity or program named in this subdivision.

Sec. 2.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 161.115, subdivision 116, is amended to read:

Subd. 116.

Route No. 185.

Beginning at a point on Route No. 1 deleted text begin at Sandstonedeleted text end new text begin and Route
No. 390
new text end , thence extending in a northeasterly direction to a point on Route No. 103 as herein
established in Duluth.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day after the commissioner of
transportation receives a copy of the agreement between the commissioner and the governing
body of Pine County to transfer jurisdiction of a portion of Legislative Route No. 185 and
notifies the revisor of statutes electronically or in writing that the conditions required to
transfer the route have been satisfied.
new text end

Sec. 3.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 161.115, subdivision 117, is amended to read:

Subd. 117.

Route No. 186.

Beginning at a point on Route No. 110 as herein established,
thence extending in an easterly direction to a point on Route No. deleted text begin 185 as herein established
at or near Askov
deleted text end new text begin 1 and Route No. 390new text end ; affording Isledeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin andnew text end Finlaysondeleted text begin , and Askov,deleted text end a reasonable
means of communication each with the other and other places within the state.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day after the commissioner of
transportation notifies the revisor of statutes electronically or in writing of the effective
new text end

Sec. 4.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 161.115, is amended by adding a subdivision to

new text begin Subd. 272. new text end

new text begin Route No. 341. new text end

new text begin Beginning at a point on Route No. 1 at Sandstone, thence
extending in a generally easterly direction to a point at or near the east bank of the Kettle
new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day after the commissioner of
transportation notifies the revisor of statutes electronically or in writing of the effective
new text end

Sec. 5.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 161.321, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Small targeted group business, small business; contract preferences.

The commissioner may award up to a deleted text begin sixdeleted text end new text begin 12new text end percent preference in the amount bid for
specified construction work to small targeted group businesses.

(b) The commissioner may designate a contract for construction work for award only
to small targeted group businesses if the commissioner determines that at least three small
targeted group businesses are likely to bid.

(c) The commissioner may award up to a four percent preference in the amount bid for
specified construction work to small businesses located in an economically disadvantaged
area as defined in section 16C.16, subdivision 7.

Sec. 6.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 161.321, subdivision 2b, is amended to read:

Subd. 2b.

Veteran-owned small business; contract preferences.

(a) The commissioner
may award up to a deleted text begin sixdeleted text end new text begin 12new text end percent preference in the amount bid for specified construction
work to veteran-owned small businesses, except when prohibited by the federal government
as a condition of receiving federal funds. When a bid preference is provided under this
section, the percentage of preference in bid amount under this subdivision may not be less
than the percentage of bid preference provided to any small targeted group business under
subdivision 2.

(b) When a bid preference is provided under this subdivision, the commissioner must
be as inclusive as possible in specifying contracts for construction work, as well as for
construction-related professional and technical services, available under this bid preference
program for veteran-owned small businesses. The term "construction" must be given broad
meaning for purposes of specifying and letting contracts for veteran-owned small businesses
and must include, but is not limited to, preplanning, planning, and all other
construction-related professional and technical services.

(c) When a bid preference is provided under this subdivision, the commissioner must
strive to ensure that contracts will be awarded on a proportional basis with contracts awarded
under subdivision 2.

(d) The commissioner may designate a contract for construction work for award only
to veteran-owned small businesses, if the commissioner determines that at least three
veteran-owned small businesses are likely to bid.

Sec. 7.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 169.19, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.


No vehicle shall be turned to proceed in the opposite direction upon
any curve, or upon the approach to or near the crest of a grade, where the vehicle cannot be
seen by the driver of any other vehicle approaching from either direction within 1,000 feet,
nor shall the driver of a vehicle turn the vehicle to proceed in the opposite direction unless
the movement can be made safely and without interfering with other traffic. deleted text begin When necessary
to accommodate vehicle configuration on
deleted text end new text begin A driver is permitted to make a right-hand turn
into the farthest lane of
new text end a roadway with two or more lanes in the same directiondeleted text begin , a driver
may turn the vehicle into the farthest lane and temporarily use the shoulder to make a U-turn
deleted text end new text begin
in order to make a U-turn at a reduced-conflict intersection if it is safe to do so
new text end .

Sec. 8.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 169.34, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.
