The bill amends the Stille-DeRossett-Hale single state construction code act by updating definitions and requirements related to gas-burning appliances. It introduces new definitions for "central furnace," "clothes dryer," and modifies the term "household cooking appliance" to specify it as a "gas-burning appliance." The bill mandates that the construction code must include provisions that prohibit the installation of certain new appliances that require a continuously burning pilot light, including central furnaces with an input rate of 225,000 BTU per hour or less, clothes dryers, and household cooking gas appliances with an electrical supply cord.
Additionally, the bill clarifies that the provisions do not apply to mobile homes, appliances designed to burn exclusively liquefied petroleum gas, or those meeting federal energy efficiency standards. It also stipulates that the required code provisions must be promulgated by a specific date and prohibits local governments from enacting ordinances that restrict the use of gas-burning appliances in commercial or residential buildings.
Statutes affected: Senate Introduced Bill: 125.1513