The resolution proposed by Representatives Posthumus and Fitzgerald establishes the Standing Rules for the Michigan House of Representatives for the 2025-2026 session. It outlines the procedures for meetings, the roles of key officers, and the rules governing attendance and conduct within the House. Regular sessions will begin on the second Wednesday of January each year, with a quorum defined as a majority of elected members. The resolution details the responsibilities of the Speaker and Clerk, including the management of House resources, maintaining official records, and overseeing the orderly conduct of sessions. It also emphasizes the importance of decorum, requiring members to address the Presiding Officer respectfully and prohibiting personal attacks during debates.
Additionally, the resolution sets forth the procedural rules for the introduction, consideration, and passage of bills and resolutions, including requirements for readings and voting. It specifies the structure and operation of standing committees, mandates public access to committee meetings, and outlines the process for introducing legislation. The resolution also addresses the handling of amendments, voting requirements, and the procedures for various types of resolutions, ensuring transparency and accountability within the legislative process. Furthermore, it emphasizes public access to financial records and the conduct expected from members to maintain the integrity of the House. Overall, the resolution aims to create a structured and efficient framework for governance within the Michigan House of Representatives.