The Speaker, on behalf of the entire membership, offered the
following resolution:
1 A resolution of tribute for the Honorable Neil Friske.
2 Whereas, For serving this legislative body with great
3 commitment, we commend and thank Representative Neil Friske. He has
4 worked diligently for the last two years on behalf of his
5 constituents in the One Hundred-Seventh District, which includes
6 Charlevoix and Emmet counties, as well as portions of Cheboygan,
7 Chippewa, and Mackinac counties; and
8 Whereas, Before being elected to the Legislature in 2022,
9 Representative Friske owned and operated his own business alongside
10 his family – Friske and Sons Property Management - and was active
11 in the Michigan GOP as a legislative liaison. As a legislator, he
12 sought to protect the well-being of children and the sanctity of
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1 life for all Michiganders; and
2 Whereas, During his time in the Legislature, Representative
3 Friske proudly served on the House Families, Children and Seniors
4 Committee where he was dedicated to ensuring the healthy and safe
5 development of all Michigan children and protection of our senior
6 citizens; and
7 Whereas, Representative Friske has worked tirelessly to bring
8 awareness to many issues most people overlook, such as corporate
9 welfare, governmental waste, and over-regulation. Representative
10 Friske never went or voted against his beliefs or convictions, no
11 matter the personal cost. In addition to his commitment to doing
12 what is right, he has set the bar high for grassroots individuals.
13 Representative Friske took a hands-on approach to helping
14 constituents. He was in the trenches in his communities, not just
15 in the elite circles. Whenever they had a concern or problem, he
16 took it personally; now, therefore, be it
17 Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we offer this
18 expression of tribute to commend and thank the Honorable Neil
19 Friske for his many contributions to this legislative body and to
20 the state of Michigan; and be it further
21 Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
22 Representative Neil Friske as evidence of our deepest gratitude and
23 best wishes as he leaves this legislative body.
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