June 26, 2024, Introduced by Reps. Fink, Meerman, Paquette, Smit and Schriver and referred to
the Committee on Judiciary.
A joint resolution ratifying the proposed amendment to the
Constitution of the United States relating to the apportionment of
the House of Representatives of the United States being fixed at
not less than 200 Representatives representing not more than 50,000
individuals each.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
state of Michigan, That the First Congress of the United States of
America, at its session, in both houses, by a constitutional
majority of two-thirds of both houses has made the following
proposition to amend the Constitution of the United States.
JJR 06384'24
2 After the first enumeration required by the first article of
3 the Constitution, there shall be one Representative for every
4 thirty thousand, until the number shall amount to one hundred,
5 after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that
6 there shall be not less than one hundred Representatives, nor less
7 than one Representative for every forty thousand persons, until the
8 number of Representatives shall amount to two hundred, after which
9 the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall
10 not be less than two hundred Representatives, nor more than one
11 Representative for every fifty thousand persons.".
12 Therefore, in the name of, and on behalf of, the people of the
13 state of Michigan, we ratify, approve, and assent to the proposed
14 amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
15 Resolved further, That certified copies of this joint
16 resolution be transmitted by the governor to the President of the
17 United States, the Archivist of the United States, the President of
18 the Senate of the United States, and the Speaker of the House of
19 Representatives of the United States.
JJR Final Page 06384'24