June 06, 2024, Introduced by Reps. Xiong, Tsernoglou, Fitzgerald and Glanville and referred to
the Committee on Insurance and Financial Services.
A bill to amend 1988 PA 161, entitled
"Consumer financial services act,"
by amending sections 2, 5, 6, and 10g (MCL 487.2052, 487.2055,
487.2056, and 487.2060g), as amended by 2006 PA 252.
1 Sec. 2. As used in this act:
2 (a) "Applicant" means a person that has applied to the
3 commissioner to be licensed under this act.
4 (b) "Bureau" means the office of financial and insurance
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1 services of the department of labor and economic growth.department
2 of insurance and financial services.
3 (c) "Business activity" means any activity regulated by under
4 any of the financial licensing acts.
5 (d) "Class I license" means a license issued under this act
6 that authorizes the licensee to engage in all of the activities
7 permitted under any of the financial licensing acts.
8 (e) "Class II license" means a license issued under this act
9 that authorizes all of the activities permitted under a class I
10 license except for activities permitted under the sale of checks
11 act, 1960 PA 136, MCL 487.901 to 487.916, loan servicing activities
12 under the secondary mortgage loan act, 1981 PA 125, MCL 493.51 to
13 493.81, or the mortgage brokers, lenders, and servicers licensing
14 act, 1987 PA 173, MCL 445.1651 to 445.1684.
15 (f) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the office of
16 financial and insurance services director of the bureau or an
17 authorized representative of the commissioner.director.
18 (g) "Control person" means a director or executive officer of
19 a licensee or a person who that has the authority to participate in
20 the direction, directly or indirectly through 1 or more other
21 persons, of the management or policies of a licensee.
22 (h) "Depository financial institution" means a bank, savings
23 and loan association, savings bank, or credit union organized under
24 the laws of this state, another state, the District of Columbia,
25 the United States, or a territory or protectorate of the United
26 States, whose deposits are insured by an agency of the federal
27 government.
28 (i) "Executive officer" means an officer, member, or partner
29 of a licensee, including chief executive officer, president, vice
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1 president, chief financial officer, controller, compliance officer,
2 or any other similar position.
3 (j) "Financial licensing acts" means this any of the
4 following:
5 (i) This act. ; the
6 (ii) The regulatory loan act, 1939 PA 21, MCL 493.1 to 493.24.
7 ; the
8 (iii) The secondary mortgage loan act, 1981 PA 125, MCL 493.51
9 to 493.81. ; the
10 (iv) The motor vehicle sales finance act, 1950 (Ex Sess) PA 27,
11 MCL 492.101 to 492.141. ;
12 (v) 1984 PA 379, MCL 493.101 to 493.114. ; the sale of checks
13 act, 1960 PA 136, MCL 487.901 to 487.916;
14 (vi) Through June 30, 2025, the money transmission services
15 act, 2006 PA 250, MCL 487.1001 to 487.1048; and the 487.1047.
16 (vii) The money transmission modernization act.
17 (viii) The mortgage brokers, lenders, and servicers licensing
18 act, 1987 PA 173, MCL 445.1651 to 445.1684.
19 (k) "Licensee" means a person that is licensed under this act.
20 (l) "Loan servicing activities" means the collection or
21 remittance for a lender, noteowner, noteholder, or the licensee's
22 own account of 4 or more installment payments of the principal,
23 interest, or an amount placed in escrow under a mortgage servicing
24 agreement or a mortgage loan subject to the mortgage brokers,
25 lenders, and servicers licensing act, 1987 PA 173, MCL 445.1651 to
26 445.1684, or a mortgage servicing agreement or secondary mortgage
27 loan subject to the secondary mortgage loan act, 1981 PA 125, MCL
28 493.51 to 493.81, or an agreement with the mortgagor.
29 (m) "Money transmission" means that term as defined in section
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1 5 of the money transmission modernization act.
2 (n) (m) "Person" means an individual, corporation,
3 partnership, association, limited liability company, or any other
4 legal entity.
5 Sec. 5. (1) An application for a license shall must be
6 accompanied by all of the following:
7 (a) An annual operating fee as established by the commissioner
8 under section 11.
9 (b) An application fee as provided in section 11. The
10 application fee is not refundable.
11 (c) Financial statements, reasonably satisfactory to the
12 commissioner, showing that the applicant's net worth exceeds
13 $100,000.00 for an applicant for a class I license; $50,000.00 for
14 an applicant for a class II license; $1,000,000.00 for an applicant
15 that intends to engage in business activity governed by 1984 PA
16 379, MCL 493.101 to 493.114; or $100,000.00 plus an additional
17 $25,000.00 for each location or authorized delegate, as applicable,
18 or $1,000,000.00, whichever is less, for an applicant that intends
19 to provide services for money transmission. services as defined in
20 section 2 of the money transmission services act.
21 (2) A licensee shall have and continue to maintain the
22 required net worth under subsection (1) while engaging in the
23 business activities authorized for licensing under this act.
24 (3) The commissioner may by order establish a higher net worth
25 requirement under subsection (1) for new class I licensees to
26 assure safe and sound operation of the activities.
27 (4) (2) Net worth under subsection (1)(c) shall must be
28 determined at the conclusion of the fiscal year of the licensee
29 immediately preceding the date an application for a license is
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1 submitted to the commissioner or, for corporations not in existence
2 as of the previous year end, the immediately preceding month end.
3 (5) Net worth shall must be disclosed on a form prescribed by
4 the commissioner or on a form prepared or reviewed by a certified
5 public accountant and shall must be computed in accordance with
6 generally accepted accounting principles.
7 (6) The following assets shall must be excluded in the
8 computation of net worth:
9 (a) That portion of an applicant's assets pledged to secure
10 obligations of any person other than the applicant.
11 (b) Receivables from officers or, in the case of a corporate
12 applicant other than a publicly traded company, stockholders of the
13 applicant or persons in which the applicant's officers or
14 stockholders have an interest, except that construction loan
15 receivables secured by mortgages from related companies are not so
16 excluded.
17 (c) An amount in excess of the lower of the cost or market
18 value of mortgage loans in foreclosure or real property acquired
19 through foreclosure.
20 (d) An investment shown on the balance sheet in joint
21 ventures, subsidiaries, or affiliates that is greater than the
22 market value of the investment.
23 (e) Goodwill or value placed on insurance renewals or property
24 management contract renewals or other similar intangible value.
25 (f) Organization costs.
26 Sec. 6. (1) An applicant for a license shall furnish a surety
27 bond or letter of credit to secure its obligations under this act
28 to the commissioner. Except as provided in this subsection, the
29 principal amount of a surety bond or letter of credit shall must be
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1 at least $500,000.00. If the applicant intends to provide services
2 for money transmission, services as defined in section 2 of the
3 money transmission services act, the applicant shall must file a
4 surety bond that is in a principal amount as determined under
5 section 13(5)(b) 67 of the money transmission services
6 modernization act for a licensee under that act.
7 (2) A surety bond described in subsection (1) shall must be
8 payable to the commissioner for the benefit of the people of the
9 this state of Michigan for the use of, and may be sued on by, the
10 this state. A surety bond or letter of credit shall remain remains
11 for the duration of the licensure period.
12 (3) A surety bond or letter of credit required under
13 subsection (1) shall must be in a form satisfactory to the
14 commissioner and payable upon on demand by the commissioner if he
15 or she the commissioner determines that the licensee is not
16 conducting its activities as required by this act and all of the
17 rules promulgated under this act, and has failed to pay all money
18 that becomes due to a any of the following:
19 (a) A person who is an installment buyer under the motor
20 vehicle sales finance act, 1950 (Ex Sess) PA 27, MCL 492.101 to
21 492.141. , Michigan residents who purchase checks under the sale of
22 checks act, 1960 PA 136, MCL 487.901 to 487.916, Michigan residents
23 (b) A resident of this state who purchase purchases services
24 for money transmission. services as defined in section 2 of the
25 money transmission services act,
26 (c) A loan applicants, applicant, loan servicing customers,
27 customer, and borrowers borrower under the secondary mortgage loan
28 act, 1981 PA 125, MCL 493.51 to 493.81, or the mortgage brokers,
29 lenders, and servicers licensing act, 1987 PA 173, MCL 445.1651 to
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1 445.1684, and the commissioner.
2 (4) The commissioner shall prioritize and pay claims against a
3 bond or letter of credit filed with the commissioner under this
4 section in a manner that, in the commissioner's discretion, best
5 protects the public interest.
6 (5) Claims described in subsection (4) may only be filed
7 against a licensee's bond or letter of credit by the commissioner
8 on behalf of the bureau and of individuals having claims and who
9 are, as applicable, the licensee's any of the following:
10 (a) A loan applicants, applicant, loan servicing customers,
11 customer, and borrowers borrower under the any of the following:
12 (i) The secondary mortgage loan act, 1981 PA 125, MCL 493.51 to
13 493.81. , or the
14 (ii) The mortgage brokers, lenders, and servicers licensing
15 act, 1987 PA 173, MCL 445.1651 to 445.1684. , Michigan residents
16 who purchase checks under the sale of checks act, 1960 PA 136, MCL
17 487.901 to 487.916, Michigan residents
18 (b) A resident who purchase purchases services for money
19 transmission. services as defined in section 2 of the money
20 transmission services act, or persons
21 (c) A person who are is an installment buyers buyer under the
22 motor vehicle sales finance act, 1950 (Ex Sess) PA 27, MCL 492.101
23 to 492.141.
24 (6) Claims filed with the commissioner against a bond or
25 letter of credit by a loan applicant, loan servicing customer, or
26 borrower under the secondary mortgage loan act, 1981 PA 125, MCL
27 493.51 to 493.81, or the mortgage brokers, lenders, and servicers
28 licensing act, 1987 PA 173, MCL 445.1651 to 445.1684, shall must
29 involve, as applicable, only a mortgage loan, mortgage loan
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1 application, secondary mortgage loan, or secondary mortgage loan
2 application secured or to be secured by real property used as a
3 dwelling located in this state. The amount of the claim shall must
4 not exceed actual fees paid by the claimant to the licensee in
5 connection with a loan application, overcharges of principal and
6 interest, and excess escrow collections by the licensee.
7 (7) Before payment of any claim filed under this section,
8 unless the commissioner waives, in whole or in part, the right to
9 priority of payment, the commissioner shall must be paid in full
10 for fines and fees due to the bureau and for expenses incurred in
11 investigating the licensee and in distributing the proceeds of the
12 bond or letter of credit. In the event that valid claims exceed the
13 amount of the bond or letter of credit, each claimant except the
14 commissioner is entitled only to a pro rata amount of his or her
15 the claimant's valid claim.
16 Sec. 10g. (1) If, in the opinion of the commissioner, a person
17 has engaged in fraud or money laundering, the commissioner may
18 serve upon that the person with a written notice of intention to
19 prohibit that person from being employed by, an agent of, or
20 control person of a licensee under this act or a licensee or
21 registrant under a financial licensing act.
22 (2) A notice issued under subsection (1) shall must contain a
23 statement of the facts supporting the prohibition and, except as
24 provided under subsection (7), set a hearing to be held not more
25 than 60 days after the date of the notice. If the person does not
26 appear at the hearing, he or she the person is considered to have
27 consented to the issuance of an order in accordance with the
28 notice.
29 (3) If, after a hearing held under subsection (2), the
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1 commissioner finds that any of the grounds specified in the notice
2 have been established, the commissioner may issue an order of
3 suspension or prohibition from being a licensee or registrant or
4 from being employed by, an agent of, or control person of any
5 licensee under this act or a licensee or registrant under a
6 financial licensing act.
7 (4) An order issued under subsection (2) or (3) is effective
8 upon service upon the person. on the date that the person is served
9 with the order. The commissioner shall also serve a copy of the
10 order upon on the licensee of which to whom the person is an
11 employee, agent, or control person. The order remains in effect
12 effective until it is stayed, modified, terminated, or set aside by
13 the commissioner or a reviewing court.
14 (5) After 5 years from the date of an order issued under
15 subsection (2) or (3), the person subject to the order may apply to
16 the commissioner to terminate the order.
17 (6) If the commissioner considers that a person served a
18 notice under subsection (1) poses an imminent threat of financial
19 loss to applicants for loans, mortgage loans, secondary mortgage
20 loans, credit card arrangements, or installment sales credit,
21 borrowers on loans, obligors on installment sale contracts, loan
22 servicing customers, purchasers of mortgage loans or interests in
23 mortgage loans, or purchasers of services for money transmission,
24 services as defined in section 2 of the money transmission services
25 act, the commissioner may serve upon the person with an order of
26 suspension from being employed by, an agent of, or control person
27 of any licensee. The suspension is effective on the date the order
28 is issued and, unless stayed by a court, remains in effect pending
29 the completion of a review as provided under this section and the
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1 commissioner has dismissed the charges specified in the order.
2 (7) Unless otherwise agreed to by the commissioner and the
3 person served with an order issued under subsection (6), the
4 hearing required under subsection (2) to review the suspension
5 shall must be held not earlier than 5 days or later than 20 days
6 after the date of the notice.
7 (8) If a person is convicted of a crime involving fraud,
8 dishonesty, money laundering, or breach of trust, the commissioner
9 may issue an order suspending or prohibiting that person from being
10 a licensee and from being employed by, an agent of, or control
11 person of any licensee under this act or a licensee or registrant
12 under a financial licensing act. After 5 years from the date of the
13 order, the person subject to the order may apply to the
14 commissioner to terminate the order.
15 (9) The commissioner shall mail a copy of any notice or order
16 issued under this section to the licensee of which the person
17 subject to the notice or order is an employee, agent, or control
18 person.
19 (10) As used in this section:
20 (a) "Fraud" includes actionable fraud, actual or constructive
21 fraud, criminal fraud, extrinsic or intrinsic fraud, fraud in the
22 execution, in the inducement, in fact, or in law, or any other form
23 of fraud.
24 (b) "Money laundering" means conduct by 1 or more persons that
25 conceals the existence, illegal source, or illegal application of
26 income and then disguises that income to make it appear legitimate.
27 Money laundering includes, but is not limited to, conduct that
28 violates any s