June 06, 2024, Introduced by Reps. Johnsen and DeBoyer and referred to the Committee on
A bill to amend 2000 PA 92, entitled
"Food law,"
by amending section 7129 (MCL 289.7129).
1 Sec. 7129. (1) If a food product is subject to a standard
2 established under this chapter, it shall the product must be
3 identified by the name required by that standard. If no standard
4 applies, the product shall must be identified by its common or
5 usual name. If no common or usual name exists, the product shall
6 must be identified by an appropriately descriptive name that is not
7 misleading and that accurately identifies or describes, in as
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1 simple and direct terms as possible, the basic nature of the food
2 product and its characterizing ingredients or properties. A product
3 manufactured or sold under the provisions of this act , which that
4 is sold in a closed or sealed packages shall bear package must have
5 a complete label . The label shall bear the that contains all of
6 the following information:
7 (a) The true name of the product, as defined in this act. , an
8 (b) An ingredient statement if the product contains more than
9 1 ingredient. , the
10 (c) The net weight of the product. , and the
11 (d) The name and address of the manufacturer.
12 (2) Products A product sold from a bulk retail displays shall
13 bear display must have a sign or placard containing that contains
14 the true and approved name of the product. If the product contains
15 more than 1 ingredient, an ingredient statement shall must be
16 placarded, posted, or otherwise available for the customer in
17 written form.
18 (3) Meat products using A meat product that uses antioxidants
19 shall must indicate on the label , or, in the absence of a label,
20 an adjacent placard, their the presence of the antioxidants in the
21 meat product and their purpose.
22 (4) Meat products containing A meat product that contains
23 monosodium glutamate, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, or any other
24 another source of monosodium glutamate shall must indicate on the
25 label or, in the absence of a label, an adjacent placard, in its
26 the presence of those substances in the meat product.
27 (5) The meat ingredients in a meat product that specifies 1
28 type of meat in its name, such as including, but not limited to,
29 ham loaf, pork loaf, veal patties, or turkey sausage, shall must be
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1 entirely from the species indicated in the product name. The meat
2 in a meat product that specifies more than 1 type of meat in its
3 name, such as including, but not limited to, beef and turkey
4 sausage, shall must be entirely from the types of meat indicated,
5 and shall contain at least 20% of each meat. A meat product that
6 contains a type of meat consisting of less than 20% of that meat
7 may be labeled as "(product) _____ added" or "product with _____",
8 inserting the common name of that meat. Sausage labeled or
9 advertised as all meat or all beef shall must not contain any
10 nonfat dry milk solids or dry whole milk.
11 (6) All required words and numbers shall must be legible to
12 potential customers.
13 (7) A person shall not manufacture, or offer or expose for
14 sale, cultivated meat. As used in this subdivision, "cultivated
15 meat" means a meat or meat product that was produced from cultured
16 animal cells.
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Statutes affected:
House Introduced Bill: 289.7129