Legislative Analysis
Phone: (517) 373-8080
House Bill 5736 (H-2) as reported from committee Analysis available at
Sponsor: Rep. Denise Mentzer http://www.legislature.mi.gov
Committee: Labor
Complete to 6-26-24
House Bill 5736 would create a new act, the Veteran’s Employee Resource Notification Act.
Under the act, an employer would be required to display a poster at its place of business that
includes information related to the following veterans’ services:
• The phone number and website for the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
• The phone number and website for the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
• The phone number for the United States Department of Veterans Affairs veterans crisis
• Services for substance abuse or mental health.
• Education, workforce, or job training resources.
• Tax benefits.
• Obtaining a designation as a veteran on a driver’s license or state ID card.
• Eligibility for state unemployment benefits.
• Legal services.
Employer would mean a person that employes one or more full-time employees.
The poster would have to be displayed in a conspicuous location that is accessible to
Additionally, the act would require the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO)
to work with the DMVA to create posters containing the above required information and to
make those posters available to employers free of charge. LEO and DMVA would have to
make the poster available for download on their respective websites.
According to committee testimony, many veterans struggle with the return to civilian life and
face challenges in understanding services and benefits that may be available at their workplace,
especially those in rural areas. House Bill 5736 is intended to address the lack of access to
resources by ensuring that relevant, verified information is available to veterans at their
workplaces so that they can access the support they need.
Reportedly, seven states have a similar requirement for veterans’ benefit notices. The Illinois
legislature passed such a requirement in June 2024, but it has not yet been signed into law.
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House Bill 5736 would entail minimal costs for the Department of Labor and Economic
Opportunity. Any additional responsibilities would be sufficiently offset by existing
departmental resources and staffing.
Representatives of the United Steelworkers testified in support of the bill. (6-13-24)
The following entities indicated support for the bill:
• Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (6-20-24)
• Michigan AFL-CIO (6-13-24)
• United Food and Commercial Workers Local 876 (6-13-24)
The following entities indicated opposition to the bill (6-13-24):
• Michigan Manufacturers Association
• National Federation of Independent Business
Legislative Analyst: Holly Kuhn
Fiscal Analyst: Marcus Coffin
■ This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House Fiscal Agency staff for use by House members in their
deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.
House Fiscal Agency HB 5736 (H-2) as reported Page 2 of 2