Legislative Analysis
Phone: (517) 373-8080
Analysis available at
Senate Bill 834 (proposed substitute H-2) http://www.legislature.mi.gov
Sponsor: Sen. Kevin Hertel
House Committee: Appropriations
Senate Committee: Veterans and Emergency Services
Complete to 9-25-24
(Enacted as Public Act 128 of 2024)
Senate Bill 834 would amend the Public Safety Officers Benefit Act (2004 PA 46) to
increase the one-time benefit paid for a public safety officer who dies or is permanently
and totally disabled in the line of duty from $25,000 to $50,000. The increase would apply
retroactively to claims pending or approved on or after October 1, 2024; claims approved
before that date would receive the $25,000 benefit provided by current law.
Public safety officer means a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or member of a
rescue squad or ambulance crew who serves a public agency or entity created by a
local government in Michigan.
In the event of an officer’s death, the act requires the Michigan Commission on Law
Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) to pay the benefit to one of the following using funds
from the Public Safety Officers Benefit Fund:
• The surviving spouse of the deceased officer.
• If the deceased officer does not leave a surviving spouse, the deceased officer’s
• If the deceased officer does not leave a surviving spouse or dependents, the
deceased officer’s estate.
Additionally, if the officer is permanently and totally disabled, the act requires MCOLES
to pay the benefit to the spouse, to the dependents (if there is no spouse), or to the entity
providing care to the officer (if there is neither a spouse nor dependents).
MCL 28.634
The bill would increase the amount of the benefit paid under the Public Safety Officers
Benefit Program. Increasing the benefit amount could result in increased GF/GP costs for
the state if the cost of benefit payments exceeds the balance available in the fund. The
number of benefit payments issued by MCOLES varies from year to year. MCOLES
estimates that an increase in the benefit amount would currently be covered by existing
funds. Depending on benefit volumes, additional GF/GP may be required in future fiscal
House Fiscal Agency Page 1 of 2
years to offset benefit payments. The projected fund balance for October 1, 2024, is $1.05
Fiscal Analyst: Aaron A. Meek
■ This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House Fiscal Agency staff for use by House members in their
deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.
House Fiscal Agency SB 834 (proposed substitute H-2) Page 2 of 2

Statutes affected:
Substitute (H-2): 28.634
Senate Introduced Bill: 28.634
As Passed by the Senate: 28.634
As Passed by the House: 28.634
Senate Concurred Bill: 28.634
Public Act: 28.634
Senate Enrolled Bill: 28.634