Reps. Hood, Rogers, Coffia, Scott, MacDonell, Dievendorf,
Steckloff, Price, Farhat, Arbit, Brabec, Breen, Byrnes, Glanville,
Haadsma, Hill, Hope, Morgan, Morse, Paiz, Rheingans, Weiss, Witwer
and Young offered the following resolution:
1 A resolution to declare March 22, 2024, as Michigan Water Day
2 and World Water Day in the state of Michigan.
3 Whereas, Since 1993, the United Nations has designated March
4 22nd as World Water Day; and
5 Whereas, The theme of World Water Day 2024 is “water for
6 peace”, illuminating ways water can promote peace across national
7 boundaries”; and
8 Whereas, Water is not only a resource to be used and competed
9 over – it is a human right, intrinsic to every aspect of life; and
Michigan Water World Water D 24H
1 Whereas, The long-running, close partnership between the U.S.
2 and Canada in stewarding the Great Lakes offers a globally
3 significant example of the peaceful prevention and resolution of
4 binational water disputes; and
5 Whereas, Worsening water scarcity in arid regions of the U.S.
6 raises the specter of demands from those regions for diversions of
7 Great Lakes water; and
8 Whereas, Water is a human right; now, therefore, be it
9 Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of
10 this legislative body declare March 22, 2024, as Michigan Water Day
11 and World Water Day in the state of Michigan; and be it further
12 Resolved, That we commit ourselves to promotion of public
13 awareness to prevent our precious water from pollution and
14 depletion. On this day, we will celebrate and honor the pure water
15 in our state, our country, and our world; and be it further
16 Resolved, That our state must be vigilant about threats to
17 Great Lakes water that come from arid regions of the U.S., and must
18 take actions to prevent the artificial loss of water, including
19 strict enforcement of the Great Lakes Compact of 2008; and be it
20 further
21 Resolved, That while we recognize the interconnectedness of
22 humanity and appreciate global challenges, we also recognize our
23 duty as Michiganders in protecting our natural resources and
24 instilling a sense of pride in ourselves and our children for our
25 Great Lakes; and be it further
26 Resolved, That we cherish and acknowledge the special
27 responsibility of protecting Michigan’s waters for current and
28 future generations and of assuring access to clean water and
29 sanitation for all Michigan residents.