Summary: As Passed by the House
House Bill 5512 (H-1) as amended
Analyst: Austin Scott
Difference: House
FY 2023-24 From FY 2023-24
Enacted FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 Enacted
as of 2/7/24 Executive House Senate Conference Amount %
IDG/IDT $202,600 $207,000 $207,000 $ $ $4,400 2.2
Federal 122,923,800 96,140,700 96,140,700 (26,783,100) (21.8)
Local 0 0 0 0 --
Private 7,289,200 7,609,200 7,609,200 320,000 4.4
Restricted 353,778,000 371,056,200 353,865,900 87,900 0.0
GF/GP 88,054,500 67,757,000 68,557,000 (19,497,500) (22.1)
Gross $572,248,100 $542,770,100 $526,379,800 $ $ ($45,868,300) (8.0)
FTEs 2,555.3 2,545.3 2,545.3 (10.0) (0.4)
Note: Appropriation figures for FY 2024-25 include all proposed appropriation amounts, including amounts designated as "one-
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) manages Michigan's natural and cultural resources through conservation
and protection. State parks, wildlife, fisheries, forests, and minerals management are all administered by DNR.
FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25
Enacted House
Major Budget Changes from FY 2023-24 Enacted Appropriations (as of 2/7/24) Change
1. Recreation Passport Default Opt-in Revenue Gross NA $0
Executive includes $17.2 million in new restricted authorization in Restricted NA 0
anticipation of Recreation Passport sales changing from an opt-in model GF/GP NA $0
to an opt-out model. Motorists would purchase a passport by default
unless they choose to opt-out when renewing motor vehicle registration.
Passports would be provided free of charge to resident military veterans.
House does not include.
2. Capital Outlay Adjustments Gross $58,475,000 ($8,725,000)
Executive provides a net reduction of $8.7 million Gross ($0 GF/GP) for Federal 20,000,000 (5,300,000)
funding decreases to Forest Development Infrastructure; Shooting Private 250,000 (250,000)
Range Development, Enhancement, and Restoration; State Game and Restricted 34,725,000 (3,175,000)
Wildlife Area Infrastructure; and State Parks Repair and Maintenance. GF/GP $3,500,000 $0
Funding increases are included to Wetlands Restoration, Enhancement,
and Acquisition; Local Boating Infrastructure and Maintenance; and
State Boating Infrastructure and Maintenance.
House concurs.
3. Nature Awaits FTE 13.8 0.0
Executive reduces GF/GP authorization by $4.0 million for grants to Gross $8,000,000 ($4,000,000)
schools to cover transportation and other costs related to connecting all GF/GP $8,000,000 ($4,000,000)
Michigan fourth grades to the state park system.
House concurs.
4. Michigan Historical Center – Archives of Michigan FTE 56.5 (14.5)
Executive reduces funding for the Michigan Historical Center by $1.9 Gross $8,201,900 ($1,915,300)
million GF/GP and 14.5 FTE positions to reflect Executive Order 2023-6 Federal 1,016,000 0
which transferred the Archives of Michigan from DNR to DTMB. Restricted 2,223,900 0
House concurs. GF/GP $4,962,000 ($1,915,300)
House Fiscal Agency 1 5/9/2024
FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25
Enacted House
Major Budget Changes from FY 2023-24 Enacted Appropriations (as of 2/7/24) Change
5. Vehicle Travel Services Gross NA $890,300
Executive appropriates $890,300 Gross ($343,100 GF/GP) to cover Federal NA 23,000
increased travel costs related to vehicle mileage rates and leasing costs. Restricted NA 524,200
House concurs. GF/GP NA $343,100
6. Modem and Radio Replacement for Law Enforcement and Gross NA $878,300
Wildfire Protection GF/GP NA $878,300
Executive includes $878,300 GF/GP to replace modem and radio
equipment for law enforcement and wildfire protection.
House concurs.
7. General Law Enforcement – Records Management and FTE 293.0 0.0
Reporting System Gross $51,479,500 $700,000
Executive provides $700,000 GF/GP for replacing the conservation Federal 6,901,700 0
officer records management and reporting system. Restricted 27,376,600 0
House concurs. GF/GP $17,201,200 $700,000
8. Land and Water Conservation Fund Program FTE NA 1.0
Executive appropriates $151,100 Gross ($76,100 GF/GP) and 1.0 FTE Gross NA $151,100
position to administer the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program Federal NA 75,000
which provides payments to local units of government to acquire and GF/GP NA $76,100
develop public recreation lands and facilities.
House concurs.
9. Accounting Service Center Gross $1,501,900 $120,000
Executive includes $120,000 Gross ($11,400 GF/GP) to support Restricted 1,359,300 108,600
departmental accounting services. GF/GP $142,600 $11,400
House concurs.
10. Spending Authorization Alignment Gross NA $341,600
Executive increases private funding by $570,000 and reduces restricted Private NA 570,000
funding by $228,400 across divisions to align spending authorization Restricted NA (228,400)
with available resources. GF/GP NA $0
House concurs.
11. Cultural Resource Management FTE 2.0 3.5
Executive provides 3.5 FTE positions for cultural resource management Gross $1,000,000 $0
which supports departmental archaeological operations and manages GF/GP $1,000,000 $0
identification, treatment, and disposition of Native American cultural
House concurs.
12. State Employees' Retirement System Implementation Costs Gross $0 $800,000
(One-time) GF/GP $0 $800,000
House includes $800,000 GF/GP to cover additional pension-related
costs if HB 4665, 4666, and 4667 enacted into law.
House Fiscal Agency 2 5/9/2024
FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25
Enacted House
Major Budget Changes from FY 2023-24 Enacted Appropriations (as of 2/7/24) Change
13. Removal of FY 2023-24 One-Time Appropriations Gross $42,000,000 ($42,000,000)
Executive removes $42.0 million Gross ($17.0 million GF/GP) of one- Federal 22,500,000 (22,500,000)
time funding that was included in the FY 2023-24 budget to support the Restricted 2,500,000 (2,500,000)
following: GF/GP $17,000,000 ($17,000,000)
• Aggregate mapping ($5.0 million Gross)
• Cultural resource management ($1.0 million Gross)
• Dam management program ($1.3 million Gross)
• Forest land management equipment ($2.5 million Gross)
• Fresh water research and innovation center ($15.0 million Gross)
• Great Lakes splash pads ($1.0 million Gross)
• Invasive species prevention and control ($2.0 million Gross)
• Michigan conservation corps ($500,000 Gross)
• State water trail organizations ($500,000 Gross)
• Swimming pool repair project ($200,000 Gross)
• Swimming pool restoration project ($5.0 million Gross)
• Urban and community forestry assistance ($7.5 million Gross)
• Wetland restoration in urban areas ($550,000 Gross).
House concurs.
14. Economic Adjustments Gross NA $6,890,700
Executive reflects increased costs of $6.9 million Gross ($608,900 IDG/IDT NA 4,400
GF/GP) for negotiated salary and wage increases (5.0% on October 1, Federal NA 918,900
2024), actuarially required retirement contributions, worker's Private NA 0
compensation, building occupancy charges, rent, and other economic Restricted NA 5,358,500
adjustments. GF/GP NA $608,900
House concurs.
Major Boilerplate Changes from FY 2023-24
Sec. 207. Disciplinary Action Against State Employees – RETAINED
Prohibits department from disciplining state employees for communicating with members of the legislature and their staffs,
unless communication is prohibited by law. (Governor deemed this section unenforceable in FY 2023-24.)
Executive deletes, House retains.
Sec. 210. Contingency Fund Transfer Authority – REVISED
Provides authority for contingency fund transfers of up to $5.0 million restricted; authorizes expenditure after legislative
transfer to specific line items.
Executive retains, House revises to $25.0 million restricted.
Sec. 212. Expenditure Posting on Internet – RETAINED
Requires expenditures to be reported on the internet on a searchable website, including specific expenditure information.
Executive deletes, House retains.
Sec. 213. Restricted Fund Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balances – RETAINED
Requires annual report on fund balances, revenues, and expenditures for state restricted funds for previous and current
fiscal years.
Executive deletes, House retains.
Sec. 214. Website Scorecard – DELETED
Requires department to maintain on a publicly accessible website a department scorecard with key metrics concerning
the department's performance.
Executive deletes, House concurs.
Sec. 218. Remote Working – RETAINED
States legislative intent to prioritize in-person work for the state's workforce where possible unless they were working
remotely prior to February 28, 2020.
Executive deletes, House retains.
House Fiscal Agency 3 5/9/2024
Major Boilerplate Changes from FY 2023-24
Sec. 219. State Administrative Board Transfers – DELETED
Allows legislature to adopt a concurrent resolution to intertransfer funds within the department's budget if the State
Administrative Board transfers appropriated funds. (Governor deemed this section unenforceable in FY 2023-24.)
Executive deletes, House concurs.
Sec. 221. Receipt and Retention of Reports – RETAINED
Requires department to receive and retain copies of all reports.
Executive deletes, House retains.
Sec. 222. Report on Policy Changes Made to Implement Public Acts Affecting Department – RETAINED
Requires department to report on each specific policy change made to implement a public act affecting the department
that took effect during the prior calendar year by April 1.
Executive deletes, House retains.
Sec. 223. Severance Reporting – DELETED
Requires department to report details of severance pay for certain departmental employees.
Executive deletes, House concurs.
Sec. 224. Expending Available Work Project Authorization – RETAINED
Advises department not to expend appropriations until existing work project authorization for the same purpose has been
expended. (Governor deemed this section unenforceable in FY 2023-24.)
Executive deletes, House retains.
Sec. 225. Registered Apprentices – NEW
Permits departmental funding to be used for building construction, repair, or remodeling performed by registered
House adds new section.
Sec. 229. Energy and Noise Efficiency – RETAINED
Requires preference for goods and services that are energy efficient and minimize noise pollution.
Executive deletes, House retains.
Sec. 230. Single Grant Recipients – DELETED
Provides process requirements for grants or projects awarded to single recipient organizations or local governments.
Executive deletes, House concurs.
Sec. 231. General Receive and Expend – DELETED
Allows the department to receive public or private revenue and expend said revenue for a defined purpose if specified;
allows public or private revenue to carryforward to succeeding fiscal years without lapsing to the general fund; requires
the department to notify HFA and SFA within 10 days of approval of additional spending authorization by SBO.
Executive adds new section, House does not add.
Sec. 242. Testing Laboratories – DELETED
Prohibits the department from consolidating their testing laboratories.
Executive deletes, House concurs.
Sec. 408. Land Transactions – RETAINED
Requires detailed report to legislature on land purchases, sales, and exchanges.
Executive deletes, House retains.
Sec. 501. Work Project – Nature Awaits – DELETED
Authorizes unexpended funds for Nature Awaits totaling $8.0 million to be considered a work project appropriation and
carried forward into succeeding fiscal year; funds will be used to support the Nature Awaits program in the Parks and
Recreation Division.
Executive deletes, House concurs.
Sec. 1201. Work Project – Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative’s Border-To-Border trail, Copper Peak ski jump
project, and Michigan the Beautiful Initiative (repurposing work project balance) – NEW
Repurposes equipment lifecycle replacement and body cameras for conservation officers work project balances for Huron
Waterloo Pathways Initiative’s Border-To-Border trail ($3.0 million), Copper Peak ski jump project ($1.0 million), and
Michigan the Beautiful Initiative ($1.0 million). The equipment lifecycle replacement and body cameras for conservation
officers work projects were first appropriated in FY 2022-23 and had a combined carryforward balance in excess of $5.0
million GF/GP at the end of FY 2023-24.
House adds new section.
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Major Boilerplate Changes from FY 2023-24
Sec. 1201. Work Project – Aggregate Mapping – DELETED
Authorizes unexpended funds for aggregate mapping totaling $5.0 million to be considered a work project appropriation
and carried forward into succeeding fiscal year; funds will be used to map aggregate deposits of this state.
Executive deletes, House concurs.
Sec. 1202. State Employees' Retirement System Implementation Costs – NEW
Requires funds for state employees' retirement system implementation costs be expended to cover additional pension-
related costs if HB 4665, 4666, and 4667 are enacted into law.
House adds new section.
Sec. 1202. Work Project – Dam Management Grant Program – DELETED
Authorizes unexpended funds for Dam Management Grant Program totaling $1.3 million to be considered a work project
appropriation and carried forward into succeeding fiscal year; funds will be used for dam management grants.
Executive deletes, House concurs.
Sec. 1203. Work Project – Forest Land Management Equipment – DELETED
Authorizes unexpended funds for Forest Land Management Equipment totaling $2.5 million to be considered a work
project appropriation and carried forward into succeeding fiscal year; funds will be used to acquire new forest land
management equipment.
Executive deletes, House concurs.
Sec. 1204. Fresh Water Research and Innovation Center – DELETED
Awards $15.0 million GF/GP to nonprofit Discovery Great Lakes in Traverse City to build a fresh water research and
innovation center on Lake Michigan.
Executive deletes, House concurs.
Sec. 1205. Invasive Species Prevention and Control Fund Deposit – DELETED
Deposits funding for Invasive Species Prevention and Control into the Invasive Species Fund.
Executive deletes, House concurs.
Sec. 1206. Work Project – State Water Trail Organizations – DELETED
Authorizes unexpended funds for St