Summary: As Passed by the House
House Bill 5506 (H-1)
Analyst: Noel Benson
Difference: House
FY 2023-24 From FY 2023-24
Enacted FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 Enacted
as of 2/7/24 Executive House Senate Conference Amount %
IDG/IDT $0 $0 $0 $ $ $0 --
Federal 458,009,100 82,550,500 82,550,500 (375,458,600) (82.0)
Local 5,856,000 5,868,500 5,868,500 12,500 0.2
Private 2,791,300 2,542,200 2,542,200 (249,100) (8.9)
Restricted 50,072,000 10,117,800 10,117,800 (39,954,200) (79.8)
GF/GP 130,652,500 61,746,100 66,746,100 (63,906,400) (48.9)
Gross $647,380,900 $162,825,100 $167,825,100 $ $ ($479,555,800) (74.1)
FTEs 640.5 566.5 566.2 (74.3) (11.6)
Note: Appropriation figures for FY 2024-25 include all proposed appropriation amounts, including amounts designated as "one-
The State Board of Education is an eight-member elected board constitutionally mandated to provide leadership and
supervision for public education in Michigan. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is the administrative arm of
the Board charged with implementing state and federal educational mandates and administering programs. Major
responsibilities of the MDE include developing and overseeing the K-12 school system, certifying teachers, disbursing
funds to educational organizations and libraries, providing technical assistance to school districts and libraries, and
providing early education and child day care support for low-income and other qualifying families.
FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25
Enacted House
Major Budget Changes from FY 2023-24 Enacted Appropriations (as of 2/7/24) Change
1. Transfer of Office of Great Start FTE 77.0 (77.0)
Executive transfers out $430.4 million Gross (including $54.4 million Gross $430,162,400 ($430,364,700)
GF/GP) and authorizations for 77.0 FTE positions for the Office of Great Federal 375,480,600 (375,606,500)
Start to the new Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Private 250,000 (250,000)
Potential (MiLEAP). Transfer includes changes for defined calculations. Restricted 64,600 (64,600)
House concurs with Executive. GF/GP $54,367,200 ($54,443,600)
2. Transfer of Information Technology Gross $5,020,800 ($390,300)
Executive transfers $390,300 Gross ($167,800 GF/GP) from Information Federal 2,634,400 (222,500)
Technology to MiLEAP. Transfer includes changes for defined Restricted 948,500 0
calculations. GF/GP $1,437,900 ($167,800)
House concurs with Executive.
3. Transfer of Departmental Administration and Support Gross $3,972,900 ($161,200)
Executive transfers $161,200 Federal for property management from Federal 1,251,700 (161,200)
Departmental Administration and Support to MiLEAP. Transfer includes Restricted 274,500 0
changes for defined calculations. GF/GP $2,446,700 $0
House concurs with Executive.
4. Michigan Test for Teacher Certification Reimbursement Gross $1,000,000 $150,000
Executive eliminates one-time funding to reimburse the costs of subject GF/GP $1,000,000 $150,000
area tests for first-time test takers seeking certification.
House maintains and revises $1.0 million one-time GF/GP in the current
year to be ongoing and provides an additional $150,000 GF/GP for a
total of $1.2 million GF/GP.
House Fiscal Agency 1 5/8/2024
FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25
Enacted House
Major Budget Changes from FY 2023-24 Enacted Appropriations (as of 2/7/24) Change
5. Information Technology Additional Investments Gross $5,020,800 $970,000
Executive does not include. Federal 2,634,400 0
House provides $970,000 GF/GP for additional investments in Restricted 948,500 0
information technology. GF/GP $1,437,900 $970,000
6. Infrastructure and Consolidation Administration FTE 2.0 (2.0)
Executive maintains and revises $750,000 one-time GF/GP and Gross $750,000 ($750,000)
authorizations for 2.0 FTE positions in the current year to be ongoing to GF/GP $750,000 ($750,000)
administer funding for school consolidation, infrastructure, and the
Healthy Schools Program that was appropriated in the School Aid
budget in FY 2023-24. Allocates $375,000 to partner with the
Department of Technology, Management, and Budget (DTMB).
House eliminates one-time funding and removes authorizations for 2.0
FTE positions.
7. State Board/Superintendent Operations FTE Support FTE 11.0 3.8
Executive does not include. Gross $2,505,400 $570,000
House provides $570,000 GF/GP and authorization for 3.8 FTE Federal 163,500 0
positions to support state board and superintendent operations. Private 80,000 0
Restricted 681,000 0
GF/GP $1,580,900 $570,000
8. Grants Management FTE 48.6 3.0
Executive provides $520,000 GF/GP and authorizes 3.0 FTE positions Gross $8,159,400 $500,000
to support the administration of grant funds to districts and to ensure that Federal 4,421,700 0
all state and federal requirements are met. Includes $200,000 and 1.0 Restricted 294,400 0
FTE position for central support operations and $320,000 and 2.0 FTE GF/GP $3,443,300 $500,000
positions for school support services operations.
House provides $500,000 GF/GP and authorizes 3.0 FTE positions.
9. Summer EBT Food Benefits FTE 78.6 2.0
Executive provides $500,000 GF/GP and authorizes 2.0 FTE positions Gross $14,826,400 $500,000
to administer a summer food benefit program for low-income children Federal 12,829,300 0
and to meet the state's administrative match requirement for an Restricted 150,000 0
associated federal grant program, which would provide an estimated GF/GP $1,847,100 $500,000
$108.0 million in federally funded benefits. Additional administration and
food assistance appropriations are included in the Department of Health
and Human Services.
House concurs with Executive.
10. Comprehensive Mental Health Administration FTE 78.6 0.0
Executive provides $500,000 GF/GP and authorizes 2.0 FTE positions Gross $14,826,400 $0
to expand behavioral health supports and assist schools with mental Federal 12,829,300 0
health programs. Restricted 150,000 0
House does not include. GF/GP $1,847,100 $0
11. State Aid to Libraries Gross $15,567,700 $500,000
Executive does not include. GF/GP $15,567,700 $500,000
House provides $500,000 GF/GP to provide increased per-capita
reimbursements to libraries.
12. Library of Michigan Operations Support FTE 31.0 3.0
Executive does not include. Gross $5,018,100 $450,000
House provides $450,000 GF/GP and authorization for 3.0 FTE Restricted 300,000 0
positions for Library of Michigan operations support. GF/GP $4,718,100 $450,000
13. English Language Learner Support and Administration FTE 78.6 2.0
Executive does not include. Gross $14,826,400 $450,000
House provides $450,000 GF/GP and authorization for 2.0 FTE Federal 12,829,300 0
positions for English language learner support and administration. Restricted 150,000 0
GF/GP $1,847,100 $450,000
House Fiscal Agency 2 5/8/2024
FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25
Enacted House
Major Budget Changes from FY 2023-24 Enacted Appropriations (as of 2/7/24) Change
14. Career and Technical Education Administration FTE 24.0 0.0
Executive provides $350,000 GF/GP and authorizes 2.0 FTE positions Gross $5,440,300 $0
for additional support for career and technical programs. Federal 4,052,300 0
House does not include. GF/GP $1,388,000 $0
15. State-Level Pupil Transportation Support FTE 38.6 2.0
Executive does not include. Gross $6,142,700 $305,000
House provides $305,000 GF/GP and authorization for 2.0 FTE Federal 3,281,500 0
positions for state-level pupil transportation support. Restricted 283,800 0
GF/GP $2,577,400 $305,000
16. Office of Financial Management Support FTE 38.6 2.0
Executive does not include. Gross $6,142,700 $291,600
House provides $291,600 GF/GP and authorization for 2.0 FTE Federal 3,281,500 0
positions to support the Office of Financial Management. Restricted 283,800 0
GF/GP $2,577,400 $291,600
17. Michigan Test for Teacher Certification Development Gross $10,365,100 $198,400
Executive does not include. Federal 3,167,100 0
House provides $198,400 GF/GP to support development and Restricted 4,355,400 0
maintenance of the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification. GF/GP $2,842,600 $198,400
18. Early Middle College Program Administration FTE 24.0 2.0
Executive does not include. Gross $5,440,300 $175,000
House provides $175,000 GF/GP and authorization for 2.0 FTE Federal 4,052,300 0
positions for early middle college program administration. GF/GP $1,388,000 $175,000
19. Administrative Law Operations Support FTE 2.0 1.0
Executive does not include. Gross $1,416,800 $150,000
House provides $150,000 GF/GP and authorization for 1.0 FTE position Federal 572,900 0
to support administrative law operations. Restricted 739,300 0
GF/GP $104,600 $150,000
20. School Nurse Administration FTE 78.6 1.0
Executive does not include. Gross $14,826,400 $150,000
House provides $150,000 GF/GP and authorization for 1.0 FTE position Federal 12,829,300 0
for school nurse administration. Restricted 150,000 0
GF/GP $1,847,100 $150,000
21. Toolkit Development Gross $150,000 $150,000
Executive eliminates one-time funding to create a professional GF/GP $150,000 $150,000
development toolkit to teach American history.
House maintains one-time funding and provides an additional one-time
appropriation of $150,000 GF/GP for a total of $300,000 GF/GP to be
spent over two years.
22. Task Force Administration FTE 84.7 1.0
Executive does not include. Gross $17,394,200 $150,000
House provides $150,000 GF/GP and authorization for 1.0 FTE position Federal 12,941,000 0
for task force administration. Restricted 602,400 0
GF/GP $3,850,800 $150,000
23. Poet Laureate Gross $100,000 $0
Executive maintains and revises $100,000 one-time GF/GP in the GF/GP $100,000 $0
current year to be ongoing to support a Michigan Poet Laureate program
with funding for travel and events to promote poetry, the spoken word,
and the literary arts.
House concurs with Executive.
House Fiscal Agency 3 5/8/2024
FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25
Enacted House
Major Budget Changes from FY 2023-24 Enacted Appropriations (as of 2/7/24) Change
24. School Support Services Operations FTE 78.6 0.4
Executive does not include. Gross $14,826,400 $60,000
House provides $60,000 GF/GP and authorization for 0.4 FTE positions Federal 12,829,300 0
for school support services operations. Restricted 150,000 0
GF/GP $1,847,100 $60,000
25. Department Reorganization FTE 167.6 0.0
Executive transfers $783,900 Gross ($139,500 GF/GP) and 6.0 FTE Gross $33,841,400 $0
authorizations from Departmental Administration and Support and Federal 27,883,100 0
$39,600 Federal from the Office of Great Start as follows: Private 250,000 0
$781,800 Gross ($139,500 GF/GP) and 6.0 FTE authorizations to Restricted 318,900 0
Systems, Evaluation, and Technology GF/GP $5,389,400 $0
$41,700 Federal to School Support Services
House transfers $393,000 Gross ($69,700 GF/GP) and 3.0 FTE
authorizations from Departmental Administration and Support and
$39,600 Federal from the Office of Great Start as follows:
$390,900 Gross ($69,700 GF/GP) and 3.0 FTE authorizations to
Systems, Evaluation, and Technology
$41,700 Federal to School Support Services
26. FTE Authorization Removal FTE 235.2 (21.5)
Executive does not include. Gross $0 $0
House removes authorization for a total of 21.5 FTE positions, including GF/GP $0 $0
1.9 FTE positions in Central Support Operations, 8.0 FTE authorizations
in Michigan Schools for the Deaf and Blind Operations, 6.0 FTE