SR-90, As Adopted by Senate, February 1, 2024
Senators Camilleri, Brinks, Geiss, Santana and Wojno offered the
following resolution:
1 A resolution to affirm this chamber’s commitment to supporting
2 an extension of the Affordable Connectivity Program, recognizing
3 that this program provides Michigan citizens statewide with access
4 to affordable broadband services.
5 Whereas, Congress has directed the Federal Communications
6 Commission (FCC) to administer the Affordable Connectivity Program
7 (ACP), which is a successor program to the Emergency Broadband
8 Benefit, a program that helped almost nine million households
9 nationwide afford internet access during the COVID-19 pandemic.
10 Under the provisions of the ACP, eligible households may receive up
11 to thirty dollars per month toward internet service. For households
12 on qualifying tribal lands, this benefit may increase to seventy-
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1 five dollars per month. The ACP also provides that eligible
2 households may receive a one-time discount of up to one hundred
3 dollars to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from
4 participating providers; and
5 Whereas, Where broadband internet access is available, the ACP
6 allows subscribers to afford internet speeds and devices sufficient
7 for key online activities, such as at-home learning, health care,
8 banking, and public services. Where broadband access is not
9 available, the ACP incentivizes the deployment of new broadband
10 infrastructure; and
11 Whereas, The FCC recently announced that, due to a lack of
12 additional funding provided for the ACP, it would begin the process
13 of terminating the program. Over 900,000 households within the
14 State of Michigan are currently enrolled in the ACP and are at risk
15 of losing affordable access to internet services in 2024 if
16 Congress does not fund an extension of the program. The ACP is a
17 critical program for Michigan citizens and, along with other
18 sources of state funding, is a vital means to build and improve
19 broadband infrastructure, provide internet devices to those who
20 lack them, and promote the adoption of modern technology among our
21 least-connected citizens. All these factors demonstrate that the
22 ACP is an essential catalyst for Michigan’s economic growth,
23 workforce development, and innovation. Allowing this program to end
24 would be a great disservice to Michiganians who rely on the program
25 to access vital online services and resources; now, therefore, be
26 it
27 Resolved by the Senate, That we affirm this chamber’s
28 commitment to supporting an extension of the Affordable
29 Connectivity Program, recognizing that this program provides
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1 Michigan citizens statewide with access to affordable broadband
2 services; and be it further
3 Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the
4 President of the United States, the President of the United States
5 Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives,
6 and the Michigan congressional delegation.
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