Reps. Snyder, Alexander, Bezotte, Haadsma, Koleszar, Liberati,
McFall, Morse, Paiz, Rheingans, Rogers and Witwer offered the
following resolution:
1 A resolution to declare October 16-22, 2023, as Independent
2 Retailers Week in the state of Michigan.
3 Whereas, Independent Retailers Week provides a time to
4 celebrate the food, beverage, and petroleum retail industry and its
5 dedication to the public in their delivery of services to our
6 state; and
7 Whereas, The independent retail industry is comprised of
8 grocers, specialty food markets, convenience stores, and pharmacies
9 along with many other businesses providing access to consumer goods
10 and services in their communities; and
Independent Retailers W 23H
1 Whereas, The independent retail industry directly supports
2 more than 158,000 employees in full and part-time positions
3 throughout the state; and
4 Whereas, Businesses in the food, beverage, and petroleum
5 retail industry contribute billions in state and local taxes to
6 state and local governments; and
7 Whereas, As we celebrate Independent Retailers Week in
8 Michigan, we acknowledge the many contributions these businesses
9 and their employees make to our state; now, therefore, be it
10 Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members
11 of this legislative body declare October 16-22, 2023, as
12 Independent Retailers Week in the state of Michigan.