Summary: As Passed by the Senate
Senate Bill 186 (S-1)
Analyst: Noel Benson
Difference: Senate
FY 2022-23 YTD FY 2023-24 FY 2023-24 FY 2023-24 FY 2023-24 From FY 2022-23 YTD
as of 2/8/23 Executive House Senate Conference Amount %
IDG/IDT $0 $0 $0 $0 $ $0 --
Federal 302,950,800 364,589,100 370,064,100 393,509,100 90,558,300 29.9
Local 5,878,600 5,856,000 5,856,000 5,856,000 (22,600) (0.4)
Private 2,240,400 2,791,300 2,791,300 2,791,300 550,900 24.6
Restricted 9,919,700 10,072,000 10,072,000 10,072,000 152,300 1.5
GF/GP 99,591,500 123,299,600 126,999,600 118,277,500 18,686,000 18.8
Gross $420,581,000 $506,608,000 $515,783,000 $530,505,900 $ $109,924,900 26.1
FTEs 627.5 640.5 640.5 634.5 7.0 1.1
Notes: (1) FY 2022-23 year-to-date figures include mid-year budget adjustments through February 8, 2023. (2) Appropriation
figures for all years include all proposed appropriation amounts, including amounts designated as “one-time.”
The State Board of Education is an eight-member elected board constitutionally mandated to provide leadership and
supervision for public education in Michigan. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is the administrative arm of
the Board charged with implementing state and federal educational mandates and administering programs. Major
responsibilities of the MDE include developing and overseeing the K-12 school system, certifying teachers, disbursing
funds to educational organizations and libraries, providing technical assistance to school districts and libraries, and
providing early education and child day care support for low-income and other qualifying families.
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24
Year-to-Date Senate
Major Budget Changes from FY 2022-23 YTD Appropriations (as of 2/8/23) Change
1. Child Development and Care Gross $211,480,000 $100,920,000
Executive provides $73.5 million federal to maintain child care Federal 172,444,100 100,920,000
investments set to expire in FY 2023-24, including maintaining eligibility GF/GP $39,035,900 $0
at 200% of the federal poverty level and making payments based on
enrollment rather than attendance.
House concurs with Executive.
Senate provides $100.9 million federal to maintain child care
investments set to expire in FY 2023-24.
2. Child Development and Care Public Assistance – TANF Gross $199,080,000 $0
Financing Swap Federal 160,044,100 (12,000,000)
Executive provides $12.0 million GF/GP as a replacement for a GF/GP $39,035,900 $12,000,000
corresponding amount of TANF funds for state match and MOE
House and Senate concur with Executive.
3. One-Time Appropriations – Family and Community Engagement FTE 0.0 0.0
Executive provides $5.5 million ($5.0 million GF/GP ongoing; $482,700 Gross $0 $0
GF/GP one-time) and authorizes 6.0 FTE positions to develop trainings, GF/GP $0 $0
coaching, resource development, translation services, and related
activities, and to hire a coordinator and coach at 10 literacy hubs across
the state to create a family and community engagement division.
House provides $3.0 million GF/GP one-time and authorizes 6.0
FTE positions to develop trainings, coaching, resource
development, and related activities for MiFamily Engagement
Senate does not include.
House Fiscal Agency 1 4/27/2023
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24
Year-to-Date Senate
Major Budget Changes from FY 2022-23 YTD Appropriations (as of 2/8/23) Change
4. One-Time Appropriations – E-rate Special Construction Gross $0 $4,950,000
Matching Fund GF/GP $0 $4,950,000
Executive provides $5.0 million GF/GP in one-time funding to reimburse
up to 10% of out-of-pocket costs for local schools and libraries approved
for funding through the federal E-rate program to expand access to
broadband internet.
House concurs with Executive.
Senate provides $ million GF/GP in one-time funding.
5. One-Time Appropriations – Michigan Test for Teacher Gross $0 $0
Certification Reimbursement GF/GP $0 $0
Executive does not include.
House provides $1.0 million GF/GP in one time funding to reimburse the
costs of subject area tests for first-time test takers seeking certification.
Senate does not include.
6. One-Time Appropriations – School Infrastructure and FTE 38.6 0.0
Consolidation Administration Gross $6,161,400 $0
Executive provides $756,500 GF/GP and authorizes 2.0 FTE positions Federal 3,289,700 0
to administer funding for school consolidation, infrastructure, and the MI Restricted 284,400 0
Healthy Climate Plan that are appropriated in School Aid. MDE would GF/GP $2,586,900 $0
partner with EGLE, MDHHS, and the Department of Treasury to work
in coordination on administering funding.
House concurs with Executive, but revises funding to be one-time.
Senate does not include.
7. One-Time Appropriations – Michigan’s Poet Laureate Gross $100,000 $0
Executive retains $100,000 GF/GP, considered one-time funding, to GF/GP $100,000 $0
support a Michigan Poet Laureate program with funding for travel and
events to promote poetry, the spoken word, and the literary arts.
House concurs with Executive.
Senate retains $100,000 GF/GP and revises funding to be ongoing.
8. School Board Training Reimbursements Gross $150,000 $0
Executive retains $150,000 GF/GP, considered one-time funding, for GF/GP $150,000 $0
school board member training reimbursements.
House and Senate concur with Executive, but revise funding to be
9. Math Education Administration FTE 82.7 0.0
Executive provides $303,700 GF/GP and authorizes 2.0 FTE positions Gross $17,139,300 $0
to provide statewide guidance and supports for new math education Federal 12,976,100 0
programs that are appropriated in School Aid. Restricted 602,400 0
House concurs with Executive. GF/GP $3,560,800 $0
Senate does not include.
10. Michigan School Nurse Administration FTE 75.6 0.0
Executive provides $160,000 GF/GP and authorizes 1.0 FTE position Gross $14,333,400 $0
for school policy support at MDE and health-related supports at Federal 12,872,300 0
MDHHS. Restricted 71,700 0
House concurs with Executive. GF/GP $1,389,400 $0
Senate does not include.
11. Mental Health and SEL Support FTE 75.6 0.0
Executive provides $151,900 GF/GP and authorizes 2.0 FTE positions Gross $14,333,400 $0
to provide additional support and guidance to schools for mental health Federal 12,872,300 0
programs. Restricted 71,700 0
House concurs with Executive. GF/GP $1,389,400 $0
Senate does not include.
House Fiscal Agency 2 4/27/2023
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24
Year-to-Date Senate
Major Budget Changes from FY 2022-23 YTD Appropriations (as of 2/8/23) Change
12. One-Time Appropriations – Head Start Background Checks Gross $322,900 $100,000
Executive provides $100,000 federal in one-time funding to offset costs Federal 258,900 100,000
for Head Start staff who are now required to submit to background GF/GP $64,000 $0
House and Senate concur with Executive.
13. One-Time Appropriations – PRIME Schools Gross $0 $0
Executive does not include. GF/GP $0 $0
House provides $6.0 million GF/GP in one-time funding for the SME
Education Foundation's partnership response initiative to provide high
schools with engineering and manufacturing programs.
Senate does not include.
14. One-Time Appropriations – Wonderschool Gross $0 $0
Executive does not include. Federal 0 0
House provides $5.5 million federal in one-time funding for recruiting GF/GP $0 $0
and coaching potential child care providers for the child development
and care program.
Senate does not include.
15. One-Time Appropriations – Education System Study Gross $0 $1,000,000
Executive and House do not include. GF/GP $0 $1,000,000
Senate provides $1.0 million GF/GP in one-time funding to conduct an
education systems study.
16. One-Time Appropriations – Toolkit Development Gross $0 $150,000
Executive and House do not include. GF/GP $0 $150,000
Senate provides $150,000 GF/GP in one-time funding to create a
professional development toolkit to teach American history.
17. TEACH Scholarship Roll Up Gross $5,000,000 $0
Executive includes a net $0 change to roll the $5.0 million federal Federal 5,000,000 0
TEACH Scholarship into the Child Development and Care contracted GF/GP $0 $0
services line item.
House and Senate concur with Executive.
18. Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Interdepartmental Gross $31,178,300 ($89,300)
Grant Adjustment Federal 31,178,300 (89,300)
Executive reflects decreased costs of $89,300 federal for GF/GP $0 $0
interdepartmental grants to MDHHS and LARA.
House and Senate concur with Executive.
19. Child Care FMAP Adjustment Gross $199,080,000 $0
Executive reflects decreased costs of $195,700 GF/GP for matching Federal 160,044,100 195,700
child care federal grants due to the decreasing FMAP rate for FY 2024. GF/GP $39,035,900 ($195,700)
House and Senate concur with Executive.
20. Library Pilot Program Gross $800,000 $0
Executive maintains current law. GF/GP $800,000 $0
House eliminates ongoing funding for five grants for library pilot
programs across the state.
Senate concurs with Executive.
21. Economic Adjustments Gross NA ($86,000)
Executive reflects decreased costs of $86,700 Gross (increase of Federal NA (168,100)
$31,700 GF/GP) for negotiated salary and wage increases (2.0% on Local NA (22,600)
October 1, 2023), actuarially required retirement contributions, worker’s Private NA (1,000)
compensation, building occupancy charges, and other economic Restricted NA 74,000
adjustments. GF/GP NA $31,700
House and Senate concur with Executive.
House Fiscal Agency 3 4/27/2023
Major Boilerplate Changes from FY 2022-23
Executive DELETED but Senate RETAINED the following boilerplate sections
• Searchable Website (Sec. 212)
• Restricted Funds Report (Sec. 213)
• Maintain Department Scorecard (Sec. 214)
• Communication with the Legislature (Sec. 222)
• Records Retention (Sec. 223)
• Expending Available Work Project Authorization (Sec. 224)
Sec. 205. Reporting Requirements – DELETED
Requires MDE to submit reports to the senate and house appropriation subcommittees on the department budget, the
senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget office.
Executive and Senate delete this section. House retains this section.
Sec. 210. Contingency Funds – REVISED
Executive revises the amount of contingency funds, which must be transferred by the legislature prior to expenditure, as
follows: revises federal from $5.0 million to $10.0 million; revises state restricted from $400,000 to $700,000; maintains
local at $250,000; and revises private from $1.5 million to $3.0 million.
House concurs with Executive but revises to Sec. 212.
Senate concurs with Executive.
Sec. 211. Access to State and Local Government Services – NOT INCLUDED
Executive requires that appropriated funds shall not be used to restrict or interfere with actions related to diversity, equity,
and inclusion; to restrict a marginalized community’s access to government resources, programs, or facilities; or to
diminish or restrict an individual’s ability to exercise the right to reproductive freedom. Also requires local governments to
report any action or policy that interferes with the duties of the local health officer.
House concurs with Executive.
Senate does not include.
Sec. 215. Reporting Legacy Costs – DELETED
Identifies total appropriations in part 1 for legacy costs for FY 2022-23. Includes a pension-related cost estimate of
$8,126,500 and a retiree health care cost estimate of $5,258,600.
Executive, House, and Senate delete this section.
Sec. 216. Reporting on Remote Work – REVISED
Executive removes requirement to report on the number of FTEs in pay status by type of staff and civil service
classification, number of employees engaged in remote work in 2023, number of employees authorized to work remotely
and the actual number working remotely, estimated net cost savings achieved by remote work, and reduced use of office
space associated with remote work.
House concurs with Executive, but revises report recipients to include the House and Senate appropriations committees
and all recipients required in Sec. 205.
Senate concurs with Executive.
Sec. 219. State Administrative Board Transfer – DELETED
Permits the legislature to intertransfer funds within this act for MDE if the state administrative board transfers funds from
an amount appropriated under this act.
Executive, House, and Senate delete this section.
Sec. 221. Report on Policy Changes Made to Implement Public Acts Affecting Department – DELETED
Requires MDE to report by April 1 on each specific policy change made to implement a public act affecting MDE that took
effect during the prior calendar year.
Executive and Senate delete this section. House retains this section.
Sec. 225. Severance Pay Reporting – DELETED
Requires MDE to report on any amount of severance pay for high-ranking department officials within 14 days of the
severance agreement signing, maintain a website that posts severance pay in excess of six weeks of wages, and reports
the total amount of severance pay for FY 2021-22.
Executive and Senate delete this section. House retains this section.
House Fiscal Agency 4 4/27/2023
Major Boilerplate Changes from FY 2022-23
Sec. 227. Vaccine Requirement – DELETED
Prohibits various state government entities from requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination as condition of accessing state
services or facilities, producing COVID-19 vaccine passports, developing, or making existing databases public, accessing
individuals COVID-19 vaccine status, and requiring proof of receiving COVID-19 vaccine as condition of employment;
prohibits state entities from subjecting an individual to negative consequences because of COVID-19 vaccine status;
allows an individual to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccine status with consent; exempts certain indiv