Summary: As Introduced
House Bill 4189
HFA Director: Mary Ann Cleary
Associate Director: Robin R. Risko
House Bill 4189 as introduced contains supplemental appropriation adjustments to the Departments of Health and Human Services
and Treasury budgets for FY 2020-21. The bill appropriates $15.0 million in general fund revenue to promote childbirth, the adoption
of infants, and other alternatives to abortion.
Appropriation and boilerplate priorities are identified following this overview.
FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21
Year-to-Date Supplemental
Budget Area Appropriations Change % Change
Health and Human Services Gross $28,726,411,000 $14,500,000 0.1
GF/GP $5,224,838,900 $14,500,000 0.3
Treasury – Operations Gross $758,483,500 $500,000 0.1
GF/GP $257,432,200 $500,000 0.2
Gross $29,484,894,500 $15,000,000 0.1
GF/GP $5,482,271,100 $15,000,000 0.3
FY 2020-21 Supplemental Appropriation Items Change
1. Marketing Programs to Promote Adoption of Infants Gross $10,000,000
Includes $10.0 million GF/GP to fund marketing programs that promote the adoption of infants and GF/GP $10,000,000
to develop factual educational information materials on adoption as an alternative to abortion.
2. Maternal Navigator Pilot Program Gross $3,000,000
Includes $3.0 million GF/GP for DHHS to establish maternal navigator pilot programs that would GF/GP $3,000,000
grant funding to nonprofit counseling or other similar nonprofit services organizations that promote
childbirth and alternatives to abortion.
3. Pregnancy Resource Centers Gross $1,500,000
Includes $1.5 million GF/GP to be awarded to pregnancy resource centers in the form of $10,000 GF/GP $1,500,000
grants. To be eligible for grant awards, centers would be required to be private nonprofit
organizations that promote childbirth and alternatives to abortion, provide referrals and information,
and provide other services related to pregnancy or post-pregnancy.
4. Healthy Moms Healthy Babies Programming Gross $0
Includes a net $0 reappropriation of the increased maternal and infant health support programs, Federal 0
expanded Medicaid coverage for new mothers to 12 months from 2 months, and other home visiting GF/GP $0
program expansions for pregnant women, new mothers, and at-risk families to limit their use for
abortion counseling, referrals, or services, or for any activities regarding human cloning or research
in which human embryos are destroyed or discarded (Sec. 304) and to require a report on the
program (Sec. 305)
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FY 2020-21 Supplemental Appropriation Items Change
5. Pregnant and Parenting Student Services Gross $500,000
Includes $500,000 GF/GP to award grants to applicants that meet eligibility conditions of the GF/GP $500,000
Pregnant and Parenting Student Services Act, 2004 PA 500. Applicants are defined as institutions
of higher education that establish and operate, or agree to establish and operate, a pregnant and
parenting student services office that meets certain conditions delineated in statute.
FY 2020-21 Supplemental Boilerplate Items
Sec. 201. State Spending and State Appropriations Paid to Local Units of Government
Estimates total state spending from state sources and payments to be made to local units of government.
Sec. 202. Appropriations Subject to Management and Budget Act
Subjects appropriations to the Management and Budget Act, 1984 PA 431.
Sec. 203. State Administrative Board Transfers
Authorizes the legislature, by a concurrent resolution adopted by a majority of the members elected to and serving in each house, to
inter-transfer funds if the State Administrative Board transfers funds.
Sec. 301. Marketing Programs to Promote Adoption of Infants
Allocates $10.0 million to fund marketing programs that promote the adoption of infants and to develop factual educational information
materials on adoption as an alternative to abortion; requires DHHS to submit a request for proposal for a contract for development of
marketing programs and information materials; requires DHHS to notify the legislature of vendors submitting bids, vendors receiving
contracts, process of evaluation, and criteria used to award contracts.
Sec. 302. Maternal Navigator Pilot Program
Requires DHHS to establish not less than 2 geographically diverse maternal navigator pilot programs; requires grantees to be nonprofit
counseling or other similar nonprofit services organizations that promote childbirth and alternatives to abortion; requires services to
be provided to include, but not be limited to, referral services for counseling for victims of rape and other forms of abuse and violence
that result in pregnancy, referral services for specialized substance use disorder services, including residential services, referral
services to a hospital or health system for information and services for women of childbearing age who are seeking assistance, and
referral services for counseling, emotional support services, genetic counseling, and other services to individuals and couples
experiencing difficulties or having genetic concerns related to pregnancy or parenting.
Sec. 303. Pregnancy Resource Centers
Allocates $1.5 million to pregnancy resource centers, in the form of $10,000 grants to each center that is a private nonprofit
organization that promotes childbirth and alternatives to abortion, provides referrals and information, and provides other services
related to pregnancy or post-pregnancy.
Sec. 304. Restricted Use of Funding
Prohibits DHHS from using appropriations, and from allowing grantees or subcontractors to use funds, for abortion counseling,
referrals, or services, or for any activities regarding human cloning or research in which human embryos are destroyed or discarded.
Sec. 305. Reporting Requirements
Requires DHHS to report on any request for proposals issued by the state for the Healthy Moms Healthy Babies program and on any
Healthy Moms Healthy Babies programs that are established.
Sec. 401. Pregnant and Parenting Student Services
Requires appropriation to be used to award grants to applicants that meet eligibility conditions of the Pregnant and Parenting Student
Services Act, 2004 PA 500.
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