This bill amends the laws governing telephone services for residents of detention and correctional facilities and jails to include video call services. For a detention or correctional facility administered by the Department of Corrections, it requires the department to
43 provide a resident a telephone and video call allowance for 90 minutes of free telephone
44 and video calls per week. The department also must provide a resident free telephone and
45 video calls with the resident's attorney. A service provider may not charge a fee to deposit
46 money into a resident's telephone or video call account. For a municipal or county jail, it
47 requires the sheriff or jailer to provide a resident with a reasonable opportunity to make
48 telephone and video calls to relatives and friends, except that the sheriff or jailer may
49 restrict or prohibit telephone and video calls when the restriction or prohibition is necessary
50 for the security of the jail. The sheriff or jailer must provide to a resident who has less than
51 $50 in the resident's jail account a telephone and video call allowance for 90 minutes of
52 free telephone and video calls per week. The sheriff or jailer also must provide a resident
53 with a reasonable opportunity to make telephone and video calls protected by the attorney-
54 client privilege. The sheriff or jailer must provide a resident free telephone and video calls
55 with the resident's attorney. The bill specifies requirements for service providers regarding
56 outgoing interstate and intrastate telephone and video calls.
Statutes affected: Bill Text LD 647, HP 415: 30-A.1566, 34-A.3015