This bill repeals the provisions of law enacted by Public Law 2019, chapter 478 related to net energy billing and distributed generation. It directs the Public Utilities Commission to initiate rulemaking to amend its rule regarding net energy billing to be substantially similar to that in effect on March 29, 2017. The bill also repeals or amends provisions of law in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35-A that rely on provisions that were enacted by Public Law 2019, chapter 478 and are repealed by this bill.

Statutes affected:
Bill Text LD 515, HP 333: 2.9, 26.1304, 35-A.3145, 35-A.3209, 35-A.3210, 35-A.3214, 35-A.3401, 35-A.3474, 35-A.3623, 35-A.10102, 35-A.10202, 36.655, 36.656