This bill prohibits, beginning December 31, 2026, the Public Utilities Commission from issuing a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the construction of a high- impact electric transmission line to deliver electricity generated in Canada to other states within the electric grid operated by the New England independent system operator unless at least 50% of the electricity delivered to the State will be allocated to and consumed within the State. It requires the person operating a high-impact electric transmission line to file quarterly reports with the commission and provides that any penalties for noncompliance with the requirements of the law are paid into the Public Utilities Commission Energy Affordability Fund. The bill requires the commission to review the requirement established by the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35-A, section 3132-E, subsection 1 and develop recommendations for how the cost of electricity may be reduced to increase consumption and ensure that the 50% threshold required by the bill is met. By December 31, 2025, the commission must provide a report to the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology regarding its findings, including any recommendations for legislation. No later than December 31, 2030, the commission is required to provide a report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over electricity matters assessing the local consumption standard requirement, including an evaluation of the laws' effect on the benefits and costs to electricity customers in the State and on regional energy markets. The commission's report must include recommendations regarding the continuation of the local consumption standard requirement. The bill includes a provision that repeals the laws on December 31, 2031. The bill also requires that, beginning December 31, 2027, each transmission and distribution utility and competitive electricity provider to submit to the commission an
45 annual report describing the transmission and distribution utility's or competitive electricity
46 provider's efforts to collaborate with state and local economic development agencies to
47 encourage the expansion of businesses in the State or the relocation of businesses to the
48 State, including specific actions taken or considered by the transmission and distribution
49 utility or competitive electricity provider.