This resolve establishes the COVID-19 Review Commission to review and study the State's response to COVID-19 and state laws, rules and policies governing that response in the State, including the executive orders related to the declared COVID-19 emergency; contracts entered into related to executing the Governor's emergency proclamation and related executive orders and the data related to COVID-19 collected by the Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, including suicide attempts and deaths and drug-related hospitalizations and deaths; the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention's response, including testing and use of contact tracing; and the policies and rules connected to COVID-19 implemented by the Department of Health and Human Services; the Department of Education; the Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management, Maine Emergency Management Agency; and the Department of Economic and Community Development. The commission is required to submit a report based on its review that includes its findings and recommendations, including suggested legislation, to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services no later than December 3, 2025.