This bill establishes requirements for the safety and interconnectivity of state-financed transportation construction projects, including:
1. Requiring a transportation project, the design of which commences on or after January 1, 2026 and the cost of which is $500,000 or more, to: A. Perform certain duties, including identifying locations on state highways and state aid highways with a lack of facilities for or designs creating unsafe conditions for pedestrians, bicyclists and other users not in a motor vehicle; B. Consult with municipalities about active or planned transportation connections, public transportation facilities and management of posted speed limits to reduce motor vehicle crash exposure and severity; C. Adjust posted speed limits within the construction project to minimize motor vehicle crashes, particularly in locations experiencing a higher probability of crashes; and D. Plan, design and construct facilities providing context-sensitive solutions that contribute to transportation system connectivity and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, other users not in a motor vehicle and persons accessing public transportation; and
2. Requiring the Department of Transportation to prioritize transportation funding to projects that: A. Provide street access for all transportation users; B. Encourage mixed land uses; C. Encourage infill development; D. Facilitate access to affordable or dense housing; E. Encourage walkable neighborhoods; F. Preserve open space, wetlands, parks, farms and woodlands; and G. Encourage robust community and public participation, opinions and input in the type and scope of the transportation construction or other project.