This bill clarifies that the definition of "timber harvesting activities" under the forest practices laws does not include activities that result, within 5 years of the completion of such activities, in a change of land use. The bill provides that a municipal timber harvesting ordinance must adopt definitions for forestry terms that are consistent with definitions in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
12, section 8868 and with forestry terms adopted by the Commissioner of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry pursuant to Title 12, chapter 805, subchapter 3-A. The bill provides that municipal ordinances subject to review by the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, Bureau of Forestry are limited to ordinances that regulate timber harvesting activities. The bill provides that a timber harvesting ordinance adopted on or after September 1, 1990 and prior to January 1, 2026 must meet the requirements of Title 12, section 8869, subsection 8 by June 30, 2029. The bill provides that a municipal timber harvesting ordinance may be adopted only after certification by the bureau that the municipality adopted the timber harvesting ordinance in accordance with Title 12, section 8869, subsection 8. The bill also requires a municipal timber harvesting ordinance to be pursuant to and consistent with a comprehensive plan adopted by the municipal legislative body. The bill clarifies that the centralized listing of municipal ordinances maintained by the bureau applies to ordinances that specifically apply to timber harvesting activities and updates certain requirements of the clerk of a municipality to report timber harvesting ordinances to the bureau.

Statutes affected:
Bill Text LD 261, HP 164: 12.8868, 12.8869