This bill provides that the Commissioner of Environmental Protection is not required to notify the Board of Environmental Protection of permit by rule notifications, waste transporter applications and occupational licenses. It also provides that an applicant is not required to provide notice to the public of permit by rule notifications, waste transporter applications and occupational licenses. The bill allows a person to whom an order regarding an uncontrolled hazardous substance site is directed to apply to the board for a hearing on the order if the application is made within 10 working days after service of the order. Current law requires the application to be made within 10 working days after receipt of the order by a responsible party. The bill requires the board to hold a hearing on an order regarding an uncontrolled hazardous substance site as expeditiously as possible after receipt of an application for a hearing. Current law requires the board to hold a hearing within 15 working days after receipt of an application for a hearing. The bill requires the board decision to be published within 2 working days after it is made. Current law requires the decision be published within 2 working days after the hearing and vote.
Statutes affected: Bill Text LD 36, SP 58: 38.344, 38.1365