This bill changes the name of the State Workforce Board within the Department of Labor to the State Workforce Development Board for consistency with the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. It amends the membership of the board by limiting membership to the members listed and by removing legislative review of member appointments. It clarifies that the recipient of an annual report from the board is the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over labor matters instead of the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over labor, business, research and economic development matters. The bill also changes rules related to industry partnerships for workforce development to routine technical rules.
Statutes affected: Bill Text LD 87, HP 51: 5.13120, 26.1401, 26.2004, 26.2006, 26.2033, 26.3209, 26.3303, 26.3304, 26.3308, 35-A.10104