WHEREAS, amateur radio provides a bridge between people, societies and countries by
creating friendships and sharing ideas; and
WHEREAS, on April 18, 1925, the International Amateur Radio Union was founded,
which illustrates how international cooperation and communication are hallmarks of amateur
radio; and
WHEREAS, there are more than 2,500,000 amateur radio operators worldwide, with
nearly 780,000 in the United States and approximately 4,500 in the State of Maine; and
WHEREAS, amateur radio provides an excellent opportunity for leadership development,
technical innovation and scientific exploration; and
WHEREAS, showing that there is no age barrier in amateur radio, at 9 years of age Simon
Golob of Sabattus earned his amateur radio license in 2023 and in the last year has been learning
Morse code, has served as a Net Control Station for a public service radio net in the State,
participated in a disaster communications exercise and made contacts with amateur radio
operators in Europe, Oceania and South America; and
WHEREAS, amateur radio is a licensed service for noncommercial use and, during
emergencies or natural disasters, such as the ice storm of 1998, Hurricane Katrina, the Boston
Marathon bombing and countless other emergency situations, is often the only dependable way
to communicate locally or internationally; and
WHEREAS, many Maine amateur radio operators serve their local and county emergency
management agencies by training and holding exercises to prepare for when their skills are
needed during times of emergency; and
WHEREAS, during Tropical Storm Lee in September 2023, amateur radio was used to
transmit messages from the Emergency Operations Center in Machias to the Maine Emergency
Management Agency in Augusta; and
WHEREAS, Maine amateur radio operators routinely volunteer their equipment and time
to provide public service communications for such events as the Dempsey Challenge, the Trek
Across Maine, the TD Beach to Beacon 10K Road Race, the New England Forest Rally, the
Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race, the Can Am Crown International Sled Dog Race, the Loon
Echo Bike Trek, the Mount Desert Island Marathon, BikeMaine, the Sugarloaf Marathon and
the Northwoods Gravel Grind; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED: That We, the Members of the One Hundred and Thirty-first Legislature now
assembled in the Second Regular Session, on behalf of the people we represent, take this
opportunity to recognize and acknowledge the accomplishments and public service provided
by amateur radio operators as they celebrate World Amateur Radio Day on the 99th anniversary
of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union; and be it further
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RESOLVED: That suitable copies of this resolution, duly authenticated by the Secretary
of State, be transmitted to the American Radio Relay League and the International Amateur
Radio Union.
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